Animals Plus Mod 1.8.9/1.7.10 adds in a large variety of new animals into Minecraft. Some of them are meant to add more challenge while others are peaceful and add more excitement to traveling in your world. You can also get some useful drops off some mobs.

Has travelling the Minecraft worlds gotten a tad stale for you? A lack of unique creatures, maybe? If so, Animals Plus not only solves this problem, it even makes you forget you ever had it. With Animals Plus you can see huge whales majestically swimming in the vast oceans. Snakes are in lurking in every dark corner in the overgrown forests. Meanwhile, in the graceful plains there are crickets scurrying at your feet and butterflies dancing around you.



  • Crickets are passive insects which spawn in the plains, forest, savannah, and jungle biomes. Their constant chirps add a nice atmosphere to their respective biomes.
  • Crickets have 3 hearts and will regularly jump around peacefully. They are unique, as when they stop jumping around, they will make constant chirping noises. However, they are shy and will flee from players, and will also stop chirping when doing so. Once they go far enough, they will revert to their old behavior.


  • Centipedes are passive insects which spawn in the forest, swamp, and jungle biomes. They are a pleasant sight to look at, running quickly through the grasses of their respective biomes.
  • Centipedes have 3 hearts and regularly run around, quickly and randomly. Unlike crickets, which flee from the player, they do not react to the player in any way, and will continue their random wandering.


  • Butterflies are passive insects which spawn in the plains, forest, and jungle biomes. Along with the crickets, they also add a nice atmosphere, due to their beautiful wings.
  • Butterflies have 2 hearts. Unlike crickets or centipedes, which simply live on the ground, they are aerial insects, and will constantly fly above the ground. Even though they do not react to the player in any way, they are hard to hit, due to their constant flying.
  • Moths are passive insects that spawn in the forest and swamp biomes. Along with their butterfly brethren, crickets, and centipedes, they add a very nice atmosphere at night, due to their love for torches.
  • Moths have 2 hearts. Similar to butterflies, they are aerial insects, and will fly above the ground. In addition to this, they seem to like being around torches, and will fly around them (well, as planned). As well as this, they do not react to the player in anyways, but are hard to hit due to their constant flying.
  • Fish are small, passive water mobs that swim gleefully around their wet, blocky habitat.
  • They have four hearts and spawn in any body of water, and are not confined to any particular biome. They are however, a more “entertaining” way of obtaining raw fish. This method includes diving underwater and murdering the innocent adorable animals of the sea, or dragging them onto land and watching them flop around and suffocate. This is also quite easy, as they don’t react to the player in any way.
  • Anglers are hostile water mobs that spawn in the dark depths of the ocean.
  • Anglers have 6 hearts. They stalk the foolish player who dives down into the ocean unprepared. When a player is spotted, anglers swim towards them and start attacking. They do 3 hearts of damage. They will also eat nearby fish and tropical fish.
  • Whales are huge, passive water mobs that spawn in the depths of the ocean. They are gentle giants and sing quite frequently, adding a calming atmosphere to the seas.
  • Whales have 25 hearts, and will peacefully swim around, making pulsed calls as they go along. In addition to this, they have the splendid habit of gracefully jumping out of the water and landing back in. They do not react to the player in any way, so it is quite fun watching them.
  • Lizards are passive land mobs that spawn in the plains, desert, and jungle biomes. They are cute and fun to look at, as they move at a steady pace.
  • Lizards have 4 hearts, and will move slowly throughout the land. They do not react to the player in any way, and will continue their steady pace.
  • Snakes are hostile land mobs that spawn in the desert, swamp, and jungle biomes. Their hiss is a warning sign to nearby players, and they are quite successful predators.
  • Snakes have 6 hearts, and will sit still, moving very rarely. When a player comes within 5 blocks of their sight, they will attack. They do 2 hearts of damage, and poison their target for 14 seconds. Once the player goes far enough from them, they will stop attacking. They will also hunt nearby mice, which always end up being eaten by the snake.
  • Mice are passive land mobs that spawn in the plains and forest biomes. They scurry around and squeak, adding a new feel to their respective biomes. Quite unfortunately, however, they are the prey of snakes.
  • Mice have 2 hearts, and will regularly scurry throughout the land. They will not react to the player at first, but when hit, they will panic for a while, similarly to farm animals. Their lack of reaction at first makes them an easy target for snakes.
  • Birds are passive mobs that spawn in most biomes (mostly wooded biomes) and come in six different species. They are mainly there to add ambience to different biomes.
  • Birds only have three hearts, and therefore are killed easily. They can usually walk on the ground, but start flying at random times, and make a variety of cool and ambient noises, from a few chirps to even caws. However, they are timid, and flee from players. Otherwise, they generally don’t do that much other than keep calm and be birds.

Manta Ray:

  • Manta rays are passive water mobs that spawn in the oceans and swamps. They are quite beautiful and docile, and add a nice atmosphere to the waters.
  • Manta rays have 8 hearts and will swim around gracefully. Like fish and whales, they do not react to the player in any way, and will just continue their graceful way, so it is quite fun watching them.

Tropical Fish:

  • Tropical fish are small passive water mobs that spawn in the oceans and swamps. They are very colourful, and could spice up the ambience in the seas when in big schools.
  • Tropical fish have two and a half hearts, and peacefully swim around. They do not react to the player in any way, similarly to most water mobs. It is quite fun watching them swim in groups.
  • Ducks are passive birds that spawn in watery biomes. Smaller than chickens, these fowl improve the atmosphere through their love of water and constant quacking.
  • Ducks have 2 hearts of health, and regularly run on the land or swim in the water. Similar to farm animals, they will not react to the player at first, but will panic for a while when hit. In general, their behavior is loosely based off the chicken, as they even lay chicken eggs.


  • Penguins are passive birds that spawn in snowy biomes. They are very, very cute and fun to look at, as they squawk loudly and waddle at a normal pace.
  • Penguins have 4 hearts, and will regularly waddle on the snow and ice. Similar to farm animals, they will not react to the player at first, but will panic for a while when hit.


  • Piranhas are hostile water mobs that spawn in jungle and river biomes. Like anglers, they are voracious eaters, but they usually attack in groups.
  • Piranhas have 3 hearts, and will regularly swim around. Whenever a player or a mob is in their range, they will attack it and do 2 hearts of damage. While usually weak, they are dangerous in groups.
  • Sharks are hostile water mobs that spawn in the ocean. Similar to most hostile water mobs, they are voracious eaters, as well as successful predators.
  • Sharks have 15 hearts, and will constantly swim through the ocean. If a player is in their range, then they will swim at him/her and attack. They deal 3 hearts of damage on easy, 5 hearts on normal, and 7 1/2 damage on hard making them the strongest water mobs. They will also eat nearby fish, tropical fish, and farm animals.
  • Crabs are passive land mobs that spawn in marine biomes. They are nice to look at, as they constantly walk sideways.
  • Crabs have 3 hearts, and will regularly scuttle among the beach sand and the seabed. They are skittish, and will flee into the water when they see a player. They are unable to swim, and will sink to the bottom of the ocean. However, they are impervious to drowning, and will not get slowed down by the water.


  • Tortoises are passive land mobs that spawn in the jungle biomes. They are nice to look at, as they move at a superbly steady pace.
  • Tortoises have 4 hearts, and will move slowly throughout the land. They do not react to the player in any way, and will continue their slow pace.


  • Dragonflies are passive insects that spawn in the swamp biomes. Along with all the other insects that live there, they add a very nice atmosphere to the swamp, due to their fast flight.
  • Dragonflies have 2 hearts. Similar to butterflies and moths, they are aerial insects, and will always fly above the ground. Even though they do not react to the player in any way, they are hard to hit, due to their constant flying and tremendous speed.


  • Chameleons are passive land mobs that spawn in the jungle biomes. They are cute and fun to look at, as they run throughout the jungle and constantly change color.
  • Chameleons have 3 hearts and regularly run around, quickly and randomly. They are unique, as whenever they step on a block, they slowly change their color to match that of the block. As well as this, they will not react to the player in any way, and will continue their random wandering.


  • Lyrebirds are passive birds that could spawn in any biome. Out of all the mobs in the mod, they are the most unique, due to them having the ability to mimic sounds.
  • Lyrebirds have 3 hearts, and will regularly walk throughout the land. They are unique, as they can mimic most sounds in the game, even including those of hostile mobs and miscellaneous entities. This could trick a player into thinking that there are monsters coming for him or there are explosions in the background, confusing and/or scaring him/her. As well as this, they will not react to the player at first, but when hit, they will panic for a while, similarly to farm animals.


  • Octopi are passive water mobs that spawn in the oceans. They are docile, and add a nice atmosphere to the waters, but also have a defense mechanism.
  • Octopi have 4 hearts, and will just swim around the ocean in a similar way to squid. They do not react to the player at first, but when hit, they will expel a cloud of ink, blinding the player for a while.


  • Crocodiles are hostile amphibious mobs that spawn in swamp and river biomes. They are patient killing machines, often ready to lurch at the slightest wrong move.
  • Crocodiles have 12.5 hearts, and will walk around on land and swim on the surface of the water. If a player is in their range, then they will rush at him/her and attack. They deal 1.5 hearts of damage.

Komodo Dragon:

  • Komodo dragons are hostile land mobs that spawn in desert, jungle, forest, and river biomes. Their loud hiss is a warning to players, and they are vicious killing machines.
  • Komodo dragons have 10 hearts, and will regularly walk throughout the land. If a player is in their range, they will rush at him/her to attack. They do half a heart of damage, but poison their target for 9 seconds.
  • Camels are passive land mobs that spawn in desert biomes. They are a great sight to see, as they are a few of the only large biome-specific mammals to roam the world.
  • Camels have 10 hearts, and will regularly walk throughout the land. They do not react to the player in any way, and will continue their random wandering.


Мод Animals - Это дополнение с более чем двадцати новых зверушек и некоторых из которых можно приручить. Все животные имеют очень качественные текстуры, а также добавлены некоторые параметры для нормального функционала игры Minecraft PE .

Если животное еще маленькое, вы сможете его приручить и если вкратце - Мод Animals сделает ваш мир более реалистичным и интересным для кубический приключений.

Большинство мобов которые добавлены с этим аддоном, заменяют стандартных животных.

Особенности мода:

  • Добавлены Крабы (Можно приготовить крабовое мясо)
  • Синие птицы (Заменяет летучую мышь) - Это прекрасные зверушки, которые обитают по всему миру

  • NPC охотники - Это враждебные жители деревни, которые атакуют игрока и могут нападать на диких мобов.
  • Добавлены страусы (Заменяют моба ламу)

  • Добавлен дельфины

  • Лисицы
  • Птицы - Это прекрасные зверушки, которые обитают по всему миру
  • Добавлены утки (заменяет курицу)

  • Добавлены пингвины

  • Добавлен алигатор (Заменят зомби)

  • Добавлены обезьяны (Заменят текстуру скелета)

  • Добавлены крысы (Заменяет моба чешуйница)

  • Добавлены олени (Заменяет моба мухомор)

  • Добавлены зеленные змеи (Заменят текстуру и звуки паука)
  • Добавлены декоративные изделия
  • Добавлен комплект охотника (Оружие и пули)
  • Добавлен новый вид аквариумов

  • Обновлены белые медведи
  • Добавлены пантеры и тигры заменяют моба кролика
  • Добавлены львы (Заменяют моба крипера)

  • Добавлены охотники.

Слоны (Заменяют моба свинью). Это дружелюбный моб, до тех пор, пока его не начнут атаковать враждебные зверушки или игровой персонажа.

Белый медведь и медведь панда - Это прикольные зверушки, который может стать вашим питомцем, если вы покормите его сахарным тростником.

Моб панда (Заменяет текстуру волка) и может использоваться для верховой езды. Если вы нападете на панду, тогда эта милая зверушка, очень сильно рассердится и тогда вам придется ее уничтожить:)

Черепахи (Заменяет моба оцелот). Эти мобы практически не заметны и очень медленные и вы даже сможете их приручить, покормив рыбой. В бою черепаха вам не поможет, но станет вашим домашним животным.

Animals мод добавит различные предметы и декоративные вещи для интерьера.

  • Добавлено два новых кресла на которые можно присесть. Чтобы присесть в кресле нажмите кнопку в центре этого предмета.
  • Добавлена голова медведя, которую можно разместить над камином в уютном домике.
  • Добавлено оружие в виде снайперской винтовки, которая придется по душе реальным охотникам.

Жирафы (Заменяет моб Эндерман) - Это дружелюбные мобы, но на них охотятся львы и тигры. Жирафов можно увидеть везде, вот только их нельзя приручить.

Даже на большом расстоянии их можно разглядеть, и которые лояльно относятся к игровому персонажу.

Из кожи жирафа можно сделать превосходную броню

Змеи есть двух видов ручные и дикие. Второй вид очень опасен, потому что несколько укусов этой змей смогут вас отравить и вам придется сделать специальное зелье.

  • Добавлены разноцветные змеи, которые заменяют пещерного паука

Есть еще зеленные змеи, которые можно приручить и они будут атаковать любую враждебную зверушку, которая на вас нападает. Все змеи опасны для ваших домашних животных, поэтому рекомендуем построить отдельное ограждение для этих мобов.

Как установить мод Animals для Minecraft PE?

  • Установите на свой девайс ES Проводник
  • Скачайте архив с модом и распакуйте на вашем устройстве.
  • Через ES Проводник откройте папку в которой находятся файлы World Animal Behavior.mcpack (Мод) и World Animal Texture.mcpack (Текстуры для мода).и запустите поочередно эти файлы, в игре у вас должны быть надписи, что импорт прошел успешно.
  • Запустите игру, нажмите настройки, глобальные ресурсы, активируйте текстуры для аддона

  • Далее при создании новой карты, нажмите "Наборы параметров", "Наборы ресурсов" и включите мод, добавив его в верхнюю часть, там где есть надпись "Активные наборы".