More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word «CINDERELLA» in dictionaries.

  • CINDERELLA — noun Etymology: after ~, fairy-tale heroine who is used as a drudge by her stepmother but ends up married to …
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Merriam Webster
  • CINDERELLA — ˌsindəˈrelə, attrib | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ noun (-s) Usage: often capitalized Etymology: after Cinderella, heroine of a fairy tale who is …
    Webster"s New International English Dictionary
  • CINDERELLA — /sin"deuh rel"euh/ , n. 1. a heroine of a fairy tale or folk tale who is maltreated by a malevolent …
    Random House Webster"s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • CINDERELLA — n. heroine of a children"s fairy tale (mistreated girl who becomes a princess); story of Cinderella
    Толковый словарь английского языка - Редакция bed
  • CINDERELLA — noun Etymology: after Cinderella, fairy-tale heroine who is used as a drudge by her stepmother but ends up married to …
    Merriam-Webster"s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • CINDERELLA — [ sɪndə"rɛlə ] ■ noun a person or thing that is undeservedly neglected or ignored. Origin a girl in a …
    Concise Oxford English vocab
  • CINDERELLA — n a person or thing that has been ignored and deserves to …
    Oxford Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • CINDERELLA — Cin ‧ der ‧ el ‧ la /ˌsɪndəˈrelə/ BrE AmE noun a person or thing that has been ignored …
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
    Английский основной разговорный словарь
  • CINDERELLA — n. 1 a person or thing of unrecognized or disregarded merit or beauty. 2 a neglected or despised member of …
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • CINDERELLA — n.1 a person or thing of unrecognized or disregarded merit or beauty. 2 a neglected or despised member of a …
    Oxford English vocab
  • CINDERELLA — (Cinderellas) If you describe a person or organization as a Cinderella , you mean that they receive very little …
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner"s English Dictionary
  • CINDERELLA — (~s) If you describe a person or organization as a ~, you mean that they receive very little attention and …
    Collins COBUILD - Толковый словарь английского языка для изучающих язык
  • CINDERELLA — noun EXAMPLES FROM CORPUS ▪ After they had performed well in the role, these women made prestigious marriages, as does …
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • CINDERELLA — [C] - someone or something that is given little attention or care, esp. less than they deserveMental health has …
    Cambridge English vocab
  • CINDERELLA — a traditional story about a young girl called Cinderella who has to work very hard for her stepmother (= the …
    Oxford Guide to British and American Culture English vocabulary
  • CINDERELLA — the only scullion maid who had a small foot and two sisters in society. Historians have questioned her claims to …
    Who is who English vocabulary
  • CINDERELLA — сущ. Золушка Золушка Cinderella Яолушка
    Большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • CINDERELLA — Золушка, США
    Американский Англо-Русский словарь
  • CINDERELLA — n Золушка
    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики - Сборник из лучших словарей
  • CINDERELLA — золушка
    Англо-Русский словарь Tiger
  • CINDERELLA — сущ.Золушка
    Англо-Русский словарь Tiger
  • CINDERELLA — (n) золушка
    English-Russian Lingvistica"98 dictionary
  • CINDERELLA — n Золушка
    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь - Апресян, Медникова
  • CINDERELLA — сущ. Золушка Золушка Cinderella Яолушка
  • CINDERELLA — сущ. Золушка Золушка Cinderella Яолушка
    Новый большой Англо-Русский словарь
  • CINDERELLA — n. Pronunciation: ˌ sin-d ə - " re-l ə Function: noun Etymology: after Cinderella, fairy-tale heroine who is used as …
    Merriam Webster Collegiate English Dictionary
  • CINDERELLA — n. Золушка
    English-Russian-dictionary - Bed release

The girl whose face was extremely unattractive hustled across to a wide doorway under a glowing sign: CINDERELLA, INC.

She hurried through the door and up to a handsome male attendant standing near a hotel-like desk. ‘At your service, madame,’ he crooned.

She fumbled in her pocketbook and brought out a piece of torn telescript. She crammed it into his hand. ‘Can you make me look like that?’ she demanded.
‘Yes,’ he said, ‘but it will be expensive.’

‘Oh, I’ve got the money.’

The attendant took her to another room where a man in a white coat rose from his desk and offered her a chair facing him. His eyes went over her impersonally.

‘What is it you want?’ the man asked.

‘This,’ said the girl, and spread the advertisement before him.

He studied the picture for a minute then looked the girl over again.
‘Stand up, please.’ She stood up. ‘Now turn around. Mm-hm … Well, sit down.’ He bridged his hands and looked at her. ‘I think we can do the body, but I’m not sure of the face. This will cost money. And, we insist on a cash payment …’

‘How much money?’ She watched him tensely, opening her pocketbook.

‘One hundred thousand.’

She took out ten crisp bills and spread them on his desk. He nodded, scribbled a receipt, and led her out the door and down warm, gaily lighted perfumed halls to another hotel-like desk where two pretty young girls jumped to their feet to meet her. Automatically she showed them the receipt.

‘Oh,’ said one of the attendants, ‘you’ve already paid?’

‘Well, then we can forget the about sales talk.’ They glanced at the receipt, and their eyes widened. ‘You get the full treatment!’ They looked envious.

‘Don’t you think I need it?’ she said coldly. ‘Why don’t we get started?’

It was twenty days before she returned to consciousness, and it was thirty days after that before the doctors and attendants could be sure of the results. At last she stood in front of the mirror, naked, and saw what she had hoped for. She was, later she was called for her final interview.

‘Please sit down,’ said the woman doctor, picked up a clinical photograph and showed it to the girl. ‘Do you recognise this woman?’

‘Of course,’ said the girl in her new sensuous voice. ‘That was I.

‘Now you’ll admit, there’s been quite a change.’

‘Of course.’

‘It would be unpleasant to change back.’

There was a momentary silence. ‘Change back?’

‘Yes, yes, I know,’ said the doctor, ‘this sounds like a scene from a horror teleshow. But the fact is that the change was brought about, among other things, with the use of glandular secretions. A few chemicals were even used that don’t ordinarily exist in the adult human body. Now our doctors have stabilised your physique as effectively as they can.’ ‘But you’ll need to use a jectokit. We have yours here.’

She handed across a small cream-coloured plastic box. ‘The directions are in the box, so you can’t make any mistakes if you read them. Don’t go any longer than ten days without your injections. You’re a beautiful woman now, but remember, your beauty rests on that little box. You’re safe, so long as you do as I say.’ The doctor looked up to see how her listener was taking it. She received a breath-taking smile in return.

I`m off , said the new beauty.

The wedding, three months later, was a striking one. The women stared enviously at the tall handsome bridegroom, and the men watched the bride with bulging eyes. When the ceremony was over, and the couple occupied the bridal suite in a first-rate hotel for the night.

‘Darling,’ murmured the bride, ‘forgive me for a moment. I want to pretty up.’

‘You’re pretty enough to eat,’ said the groom.

She laughed and slipped past him to the bathroom door with her travel case.
Once inside, she locked the door and brought out the little yellow plastic box. She clicked open the cover and read the words inside. ‘Cinderella, Inc.,’ ‘reminds you.’

‘I remember,’ she said, and began her ritual.

In the bedroom, the groom was in his shirtsleeves whistling and unpacking his suitcase. Suddenly he stopped and stared at a little brown plastic box rolled up in his bathrobe.
‘By George,’ he gasped, ‘I almost forgot.’
Hastily, he rolled up his sleeve …

The girl whose face was extremely unattractive hustled across to a wide doorway under a glowing sign: CINDERELLA, INC. She hurried through the door and up to a handsome male attendant standing near a hotel-like desk. ‘At your service, madame,’ he crooned. She fumbled in her pocketbook and brought out a piece of torn telescript. She crammed it into his hand. ‘Can you make me look like that?’ she demanded. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘but it will be expensive.’ ‘Oh, I’ve got the money.’ The attendant took her to another room where a man in a white coat rose from his desk and offered her a chair facing him. His eyes went over her impersonally. ‘What is it you want?’ the man asked. ‘This,’ said the girl, and spread the advertisement before him. He studied the picture for a minute then looked the girl over again. ‘Stand up, please.’ She stood up. ‘Now turn around. Mm-hm … Well, sit down.’ He bridged his hands and looked at her. ‘I think we can do the body, but I’m not sure of the face. This will cost money. And, we insist on a cash payment …’ ‘How much money?’ She watched him tensely, opening her pocketbook. ‘One hundred thousand.’ She took out ten crisp bills and spread them on his desk. He nodded, scribbled a receipt, and led her out the door and down warm, gaily lighted perfumed halls to another hotel-like desk where two pretty young girls jumped to their feet to meet her. Automatically she showed them the receipt. ‘Oh,’ said one of the attendants, ‘you’ve already paid?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Well, then we can forget the about sales talk.’ They glanced at the receipt, and their eyes widened. ‘You get the full treatment!’ They looked envious. ‘Don’t you think I need it?’ she said coldly. ‘Why don’t we get started?’ It was twenty days before she returned to consciousness, and it was thirty days after that before the doctors and attendants could be sure of the results. At last she stood in front of the mirror, naked, and saw what she had hoped for. She was, later she was called for her final interview. ‘Please sit down,’ said the woman doctor, picked up a clinical photograph and showed it to the girl. ‘Do you recognise this woman?’ ‘Of course,’ said the girl in her new sensuous voice. ‘That was I. ‘Now you’ll admit, there’s been quite a change.’ ‘Of course.’ ‘It would be unpleasant to change back.’ There was a momentary silence. ‘Change back?’ ‘Yes, yes, I know,’ said the doctor, ‘this sounds like a scene from a horror teleshow. But the fact is that the change was brought about, among other things, with the use of glandular secretions. A few chemicals were even used that don’t ordinarily exist in the adult human body. Now our doctors have stabilised your physique as effectively as they can.’ ‘But you’ll need to use a jectokit. We have yours here.’ She handed across a small cream-coloured plastic box. ‘The directions are in the box, so you can’t make any mistakes if you read them. Don’t go any longer than ten days without your injections. You’re a beautiful woman now, but remember, your beauty rests on that little box. You’re safe, so long as you do as I say.’ The doctor looked up to see how her listener was taking it. She received a breath-taking smile in return. I`m off , said the new beauty. The wedding, three months later, was a striking one. The women stared enviously at the tall handsome bridegroom, and the men watched the bride with bulging eyes. When the ceremony was over, and the couple occupied the bridal suite in a first-rate hotel for the night. ‘Darling,’ murmured the bride, ‘forgive me for a moment. I want to pretty up.’ ‘You’re pretty enough to eat,’ said the groom. She laughed and slipped past him to the bathroom door with her travel case. Once inside, she locked the door and brought out the little yellow plastic box. She clicked open the cover and read the words inside. ‘Cinderella, Inc.,’ ‘reminds you.’ ‘I remember,’ she said, and began her ritual. In the bedroom, the groom was in his shirtsleeves whistling and unpacking his suitcase. Suddenly he stopped and stared at a little brown plastic box rolled up in his bathrobe. ‘By George,’ he gasped, ‘I almost forgot.’ Hastily, he rolled up his sleeve …

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