INCLÚDE, inclúd, vb. III. tranz. A cuprinde, a conţine, a îngloba. – Din lat. includere. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  A include ≠ a exclude Trimis de siveco, 03.08.2004. Sursa: Antonime  INCLÚDE vb. 1. v. conţine. 2 … Dicționar Român

include - in‧clude [ɪnˈkluːd] verb if something includes something else, the second thing is part of the first thing: The price includes shipping and handling. include something in something The auditors included the restructuring charge… … Financial and business terms

include - include, comprehend, embrace, involve, imply, subsume are comparable when meaning basically to contain something within as a part or portion of a whole. Include suggests that the thing included forms a constituent, component, or subordinate part… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

include - include, comprise Like comprise, include has the whole as its subject and its parts as the object. The difference is that comprise generally denotes the whole set of parts whereas include can be selective, so that if a house comprises two living… … Modern English usage

Include - (incluir en inglés) es una palabra clave que hace referencia a una instrucción al preprocesador que esta presente en la gran mayoría de lenguajes de alto y medio nivel, de forma genérica se usa para adicionar un archivo al código, como por… … Wikipedia Español

Include - In*clude , v. t. 1. To confine within; to hold; to contain; to shut up; to inclose;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

include - (v.) c.1400, from L. includere to shut in, enclose, imprison, insert, from in in (see IN (Cf. in) (2)) + claudere to shut (see CLOSE (Cf. close) (v.)). The alleged Sam Goldwyn ism, Include me out, is attested from 1937. Related: Included;… … Etymology dictionary

include - vt. included, including 1. to shut up or in; enclose 2. to have as part of a whole; contain; comprise 3. to consider as part of a… … English World dictionary

include in - ● include … Useful english dictionary

include - I verb absorb, adscribere, be composed of, be formed of, be made up of, begird, boast, bound, bracket, circumscribe, classify, close in, combine, compass, complecti, comprehend, comprehendere, consist of, consolidate, contain, cover, embody,… … Law dictionary

include - [v] contain, involve accommodate, add, admit, allow for, append, bear, be composed of, be made up of, build, build in, carry, combine, comprehend, comprise, consist of, constitute, count, cover, cut in on, embody, embrace, encircle, enclose,… … New thesaurus


  • Купить за 3313 грн (только Украина)
  • Progressive Skills in English: Bk. 1 (+ DVD) , Terry Phillips. Progressive Skills in English 1: Course Book Do you need English in your studies? Then you need the Progressive Skills in English Course. The course builds the skills required for lectures,…


Добавить в закладки Удалить из закладок


  1. включать (содержать, охватывать)
  2. заключать (входить, включить)
  3. относиться (отнести, относить, прилагать)
  4. иметься (содержаться)
  5. являться (находиться)
  6. предусматривать (предполагать, подразумевать)

Формы глагола


include music
включать музыку

include information
содержать сведения

include only
входить только

include here
включить сюда


The outer planets are large gaseous spheres with rings and include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
Внешние планеты - это большие газовые сферы, имеющие кольца. В их число входят Юпитер, Сатурн, Уран и Нептун.

Tom"s duties include raking the leaves.
В обязанности Тома входит сгребать листья.

Does that price include breakfast?
Цена включает в себя завтрак?

I was planning to include an excerpt from The Chronicles of Narnia.
Я собирался добавить отрывок из «Хроник Нарнии».

Don"t forget to include me in the count.
Не забудьте посчитать меня.

Short-term effects of smoking include unfitness, wheezing, a general vulnerability to illness, bad breath, bad skin and so on.
Краткосрочными эффектами курения являются потеря формы, хрип, общая подверженность заболеваниям, запах изо рта, ухудшение кожи и тому подобное.

Why doesn"t the list of languages include Maltese?
Почему в списке языков нет мальтийского?

Rare gems include aquamarine, amethyst, emerald, quartz and ruby.
Редкие драгоценные камни включают в себя аквамарин, аметист, изумруд, кварц и рубин.

This amount includes tax.
В эту сумму включены налоги.

The price includes tax.
Цена включает налог.

Ubuntu includes lots of software.
В Ubuntu содержится много программного обеспечения.

The price includes postage charges.
Цена включает почтовые расходы.

Comedy always includes a little tragedy. That"s why there are sad clowns.
В комедии всегда есть немного трагедии. Поэтому существуют грустные клоуны.

As I checked your delivery that I received, I found it included a T-shirt which I did not order.
Когда я проверил вашу доставку, которую я получил, я нашел там футболку, которую я не заказывал.

Are local trains included on this schedule?
В этом расписании указаны поезда местного сообщения?

Is lunch included in this price?
Обед входит в эту стоимость?

"K" was originally not included in the Portuguese alphabet; neither were "W" and "Y".
Первоначально K, равно как W и Y, не была частью португальского алфавита.

The exam included mathematics, physics and chemistry.
Экзамен включал математику, физику и химию.

The reason the cat is not included in the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac is very simple.
Причина, по которой кошка не входит в 12 животных из китайского зодиака, очень проста.

I would like to pay with cash. Is breakfast included in the price?
Я бы хотел заплатить наличными. Завтрак включён в стоимость?

Please notify me by e-mail about any bugs found or missing functions that you want to be included in future versions of the BMI calculator.
Пожалуйста, сообщите мне по электронной почте о любых замеченных ошибках или недостающих функциях, которые вы хотели бы видеть в следующих версиях калькулятора ИМТ.

Is breakfast included in the price?
Включен ли завтрак в стоимость?

The breakfast is included in the charge.
Завтрак включён в стоимость.

INCLÚDE, inclúd, vb. III. tranz. A cuprinde, a conţine, a îngloba. – Din lat. includere. Trimis de valeriu, 21.07.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  A include ≠ a exclude Trimis de siveco, 03.08.2004. Sursa: Antonime  INCLÚDE vb. 1. v. conţine. 2 … Dicționar Român

include - in‧clude [ɪnˈkluːd] verb if something includes something else, the second thing is part of the first thing: The price includes shipping and handling. include something in something The auditors included the restructuring charge… … Financial and business terms

include - include, comprehend, embrace, involve, imply, subsume are comparable when meaning basically to contain something within as a part or portion of a whole. Include suggests that the thing included forms a constituent, component, or subordinate part… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

include - include, comprise Like comprise, include has the whole as its subject and its parts as the object. The difference is that comprise generally denotes the whole set of parts whereas include can be selective, so that if a house comprises two living… … Modern English usage

Include - (incluir en inglés) es una palabra clave que hace referencia a una instrucción al preprocesador que esta presente en la gran mayoría de lenguajes de alto y medio nivel, de forma genérica se usa para adicionar un archivo al código, como por… … Wikipedia Español

Include - In*clude , v. t. 1. To confine within; to hold; to contain; to shut up; to inclose;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

include - (v.) c.1400, from L. includere to shut in, enclose, imprison, insert, from in in (see IN (Cf. in) (2)) + claudere to shut (see CLOSE (Cf. close) (v.)). The alleged Sam Goldwyn ism, Include me out, is attested from 1937. Related: Included;… … Etymology dictionary

include - vt. included, including 1. to shut up or in; enclose 2. to have as part of a whole; contain; comprise 3. to consider as part of a… … English World dictionary

include in - ● include … Useful english dictionary

include - I verb absorb, adscribere, be composed of, be formed of, be made up of, begird, boast, bound, bracket, circumscribe, classify, close in, combine, compass, complecti, comprehend, comprehendere, consist of, consolidate, contain, cover, embody,… … Law dictionary

include - [v] contain, involve accommodate, add, admit, allow for, append, bear, be composed of, be made up of, build, build in, carry, combine, comprehend, comprise, consist of, constitute, count, cover, cut in on, embody, embrace, encircle, enclose,… … New thesaurus


  • Купить за 3313 грн (только Украина)
  • Progressive Skills in English: Bk. 1 (+ DVD) , Terry Phillips. Progressive Skills in English 1: Course Book Do you need English in your studies? Then you need the Progressive Skills in English Course. The course builds the skills required for lectures,…