Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна



1. {ʹi:v(ə)l} n

good and ~ - добро и зло

lesser /less/ ~ - меньшее зло

to believe ~ of others - дурно думать о других

to speak ~ - злословить

~ comes from ~ - зло порождает зло

to return good for ~ - отплатить добром за зло

keep thy tongue from ~ - библ. удерживай язык твой от зла

an ~ of long standing - закоренелый порок

the social ~ - эвф. общественное зло (проституция )

to lead a life of ~ - вести порочную жизнь

to correct the ~s of the system - устранить пороки системы

3. 1) бедствие, несчастье

to wish smb. ~ - желать кому-л. беды

2) неудача

4. библ.

to shun ~ - отойти от греха

~ be to him that ... - горе тому, кто...

5. уст. болезнь

king"s ~ - золотуха

the falling ~ - падучая (болезнь)

but deliver us from ~ - библ. но избави нас от лукавого

2. {ʹi:v(ə)l} a

1. злой, зловредный, злонамеренный

the Evil One - рел. нечистый, сатана

~ spirits - злые духи

~ tongue - злой язык

2. 1) испорченный, порочный

~ conscience - нечистая совесть

~ fruit - библ. плоды худые

2) развратный, порочный, грешный; преступный

~ deeds - преступления

~ life - распутная жизнь; путь разврата

~ men - библ. грешники

a man of ~ reputation - человек, пользующийся дурной славой

the ~ institution of slavery - позорный институт рабовладения

3. вредный, пагубный (о примере, совете и т. п. )

4. зловещий; дурной, неблагоприятный

~ hour - недобрый час

~ sign - зловещий признак, неблагоприятное предзнаменование

5. разг. очень плохой, отвратительный

the ~ day - чёрный день

~ dinner - очень плохой /ужасный/ обед

~ slander - гнусная клевета

~ temper - несносный характер

~ weather - отвратительная погода

~ workmanship - никуда негодная работа

~ odour - зловоние

to fall on ~ days - впасть в нищету; хлебнуть горя

In a large sense, described as the sum of the opposition, which experience shows to exist in the universe, to the desires and needs of individuals; whence arises, among humans beings at least, the sufferings in which life abounds Catholic… … Catholic encyclopedia

Evil - E*vil ([=e] v l) a. bel, Goth. ubils, and perh. to E. over.] 1. Having qualities tending to injury and mischief; having a nature or properties which… …

evil - adj *bad, ill, wicked, naughty Analogous words: *base, low, vile: iniquitous, nefarious, flagitious, *vicious, villainous, infamous: *pernicious, baneful: *execrable, damnable Antonyms: exemplary: salutary … New Dictionary of Synonyms

evil - ADJECTIVE 1) deeply immoral and malevolent. 2) embodying or associated with the devil. 3) extremely unpleasant: an evil smell. NOUN 1) extreme wickedness and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force. 2) something harmful or … English terms dictionary

evil - [ē′vəl] adj. 1. a) morally bad or wrong; wicked; depraved b) resulting from or based on conduct regarded as immoral v l) n. 1. Anything which impairs the happiness of a being or deprives a being of any good; anything which causes suffering of any kind to sentient beings; injury; mischief; harm; opposed to {good}. Evils which our own… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Evil - (englisch, als Adjektiv: ‚böse‘, ‚schlecht‘, als Substantiv: ‚das Böse‘) steht für: Evil (Roman), den 1989 veröffentlichten Roman des Autors Jack Ketchum Evil (2003), einen schwedischen Spielfilm Evil (2005), einen griechischen Horrorfilm eine EP … Deutsch Wikipedia

Evil - E vil, adv. In an evil manner; not well; ill; badly; unhappily; injuriously; unkindly. Shak. It went evil with his house. 1 Chron. vii. 23. The Egyptians evil entreated us, and affected us. Deut. xxvi. 6. v l) a. bel, Goth. ubils, and perh. to E. over.] 1. Having qualities tending to injury and mischief; having a nature or properties which… …

evil - adj *bad, ill, wicked, naughty Analogous words: *base, low, vile: iniquitous, nefarious, flagitious, *vicious, villainous, infamous: *pernicious, baneful: *execrable, damnable Antonyms: exemplary: salutary … New Dictionary of Synonyms

evil - ADJECTIVE 1) deeply immoral and malevolent. 2) embodying or associated with the devil. 3) extremely unpleasant: an evil smell. NOUN 1) extreme wickedness and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force. 2) something harmful or … English terms dictionary

evil - [ē′vəl] adj. 1. a) morally bad or wrong; wicked; depraved b) resulting from or based on conduct regarded as immoral v l) n. 1. Anything which impairs the happiness of a being or deprives a being of any good; anything which causes suffering of any kind to sentient beings; injury; mischief; harm; opposed to {good}. Evils which our own… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Evil - (englisch, als Adjektiv: ‚böse‘, ‚schlecht‘, als Substantiv: ‚das Böse‘) steht für: Evil (Roman), den 1989 veröffentlichten Roman des Autors Jack Ketchum Evil (2003), einen schwedischen Spielfilm Evil (2005), einen griechischen Horrorfilm eine EP … Deutsch Wikipedia

Evil - E vil, adv. In an evil manner; not well; ill; badly; unhappily; injuriously; unkindly. Shak. It went evil with his house. 1 Chron. vii. 23. The Egyptians evil entreated us, and affected us. Deut. xxvi. 6. v l) a. bel, Goth. ubils, and perh. to E. over.] 1. Having qualities tending to injury and mischief; having a nature or properties which… …

evil - adj *bad, ill, wicked, naughty Analogous words: *base, low, vile: iniquitous, nefarious, flagitious, *vicious, villainous, infamous: *pernicious, baneful: *execrable, damnable Antonyms: exemplary: salutary … New Dictionary of Synonyms

evil - ADJECTIVE 1) deeply immoral and malevolent. 2) embodying or associated with the devil. 3) extremely unpleasant: an evil smell. NOUN 1) extreme wickedness and depravity, especially when regarded as a supernatural force. 2) something harmful or … English terms dictionary

evil - [ē′vəl] adj. 1. a) morally bad or wrong; wicked; depraved b) resulting from or based on conduct regarded as immoral v l) n. 1. Anything which impairs the happiness of a being or deprives a being of any good; anything which causes suffering of any kind to sentient beings; injury; mischief; harm; opposed to {good}. Evils which our own… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Evil - (englisch, als Adjektiv: ‚böse‘, ‚schlecht‘, als Substantiv: ‚das Böse‘) steht für: Evil (Roman), den 1989 veröffentlichten Roman des Autors Jack Ketchum Evil (2003), einen schwedischen Spielfilm Evil (2005), einen griechischen Horrorfilm eine EP … Deutsch Wikipedia

Evil - E vil, adv. In an evil manner; not well; ill; badly; unhappily; injuriously; unkindly. Shak. It went evil with his house. 1 Chron. vii. 23. The Egyptians evil entreated us, and affected us. Deut. xxvi. 6. }