“Books! And cleverness! There are more important things - friendship and bravery and - oh Harry - be careful !”


“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in, They got in on pure talent.”


“Well, if you two are going to chicken out, fine, I don’t want to break rules, you know. I think threatening Muggle-borns is far worse than brewing up a difficult potion. But if you don’t want to find out if it’s Malfoy, I’ll go straight to Madam Pince now and hand the book back in -”


“There you are, then, they see the Grim and die of fright. The Grim’s not an omen, it’s the cause of death! And Harry’s still with us because he’s not stupid enough to see one and think, right, well, I’d better kick the bucket then!”


“If being good at Divination means I have to pretend to see death omens in a lump of tea leaves, I’m not sure I’ll be studying it much longer!”


“Honestly, am I the only person who’s ever bothered to read Hogwarts, A History?”


“Don’t you dare call Hagrid pathetic, you foul - you evil little cockroach!!”


“Well, honestly . . . ‘the fates have informed her’ . . . who sets the exam? She does! What an amazing prediction!”


“You know, house-elves get a very raw deal! It’s slavery, that’s what it is! That Mr. Crouch made her go up to the top of the stadium, and she was terrified, and he’s got her bewitched so she can’t even run when they start trampling tents! Why doesn’t anyone do something about it?”


“It’s people like you, Ron, who prop up rotten and unjust systems, just because they’re too lazy to -”


“You do realize that your sheets are changed, your fires lit, your classrooms cleaned, and your food cooked by a group of magical creatures who are unpaid and enslaved?”


“Oh I see, so basically, you’re going to take the best-looking girl who’ll have you, even if she’s completely horrible?”


“My parents don’t read the Daily Prophet. can’t scare me into hiding!”


“Oh for heaven’s sake! Listen to me, all of you! You’ve got just as much right as wizards to be unhappy! You’ve got the right to wages and holidays and proper clothes, you don’t have to do everything you’re told - look at Dobby!”


“This sort of thing is exactly what Dumbledore was talking about. You-Know-Who’s only been back two months, and we’ve started fighting among ourselves. And the Sorting Hat’s warning was the same - stand together, be united.”


“I’ve got a query about your course aims […] there’s nothing written up there about using defensive spells, surely the whole point of Defense Against the Dark Arts is to practice defensive spells?”


So now we know how we ended up with Umbridge! Fudge passed this ‘Educational Decree’ and forced her on us! And now he’s given her the power to inspect other teachers! I can’t believe this. It’s outrageous!”


“Yes, Harry, but all the same, there’s no point pretending that you’re not good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, because you are. You were the only person last year who could throw off the Imperius Curse completely, you can produce a Patronus, you can do all sorts of stuff that full-grown wizards can’t.”


“Then I’ll go back again tomorrow! I’ll plan his lessons for him if I have to. I don’t care if she throws out Trelawney but she’s not taking Hagrid!”


“That foul, lying, twisting old gargoyle! You see what she’s up to? It’s her thing about half-breeds all over again - she’s trying to make out Hagrid’s some kind of dim-witted troll, just because he had a giantess for a mother - and oh, it’s not fair, that really wasn’t a bad lesson at all - I mean, all right, if it had been Blast-Ended Skrewts again, but thestrals are fine - in fact, for Hagrid, they’re really good!”


“, you are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet.”


“One day, you’ll read Hogwarts, A History, and perhaps that will remind you that you can’t Apparate or Disapparate inside Hogwarts.”


“So the Daily Prophet exists to tell people what they want to hear, does it?”


“Maybe , but at least my happiness doesn’t depend on Ron’s goalkeeping ability.”


“A giant! A giant in the forest! And we’re supposed to give him English lessons! Always assuming, of course, we can get past the herd of murderous centaurs on the way in and out! I - don’t - believe, - him!”


“Oh, you’re so naive sometimes, Harry, you really think Umbridge will wait for proof?”


“I just think it’s very irresponsible to start performing spells when you don’t even know what they’re for, and stop talking about ‘the Prince’ as if it’s his title, I bet it’s just a stupid nickname, and it doesn’t seem as though he was a very nice person to me!”


“Quidditch! Is that all boys care about? Cormac hasn’t asked me one single question about myself, no, I’ve just been treated to ‘A Hundred Great Saves Made by Cormac McLaggen’ nonstop!”


“The truth is that you don’t think a girl would have been clever enough!”


“You said to us once before, that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We’ve had time, haven’t we?”


“Harry, is taking over the Ministry and the newspapers and half the Wizarding world! Don’t let him inside your head too!”


No, Harry, you listen, we’re coming with you. That was decided months ago – years, really.”


“No, I’m not , I’m hoping to do some good in the world!”


“Harry, Kreacher doesn’t think like that, he’s a slave; house-elves are used to bad, even brutal treatment; what Voldemort did to Kreacher wasn’t that far out of the common way. What do wizard wars mean to an elf like Kreacher? He’s loyal to people who are kind to him, and Mrs. Black must have been, and Regulus certainly was, so he served them willingly and parroted their beliefs.”


“And are they bothering to give an excuse for torturing Harry’s whereabouts out of people?”


“Harry caught the fish and I did my best with it! I notice I’m always the one who ends up sorting out the food, because I’m a girl , I suppose!”


“ changed, Harry, he changed! It’s as simple as that! Maybe he did believe these things when he was seventeen, but the whole of the rest of his life was devoted to fighting the Dark Arts! Dumbledore was the one who stopped Grindelwald, the one who always voted for Muggle protection and Muggle-born rights, who fought You-Know– Who from the start, and who died trying to bring him down!”


“But that’s – I’m sorry, but that’s completely ridiculous! How can I possibly prove it doesn’t exist? Do you expect me to get hold of – of all the pebbles in the world and test them? I mean, you could claim that anything’s real if the only basis for believing in it is that nobody’s proved it doesn’t exist!”


“I’m a mudblood! Mudblood, and proud of it! I’ve got no higher position under this new order than you have, Griphook! It was me they chose to torture, back at the Malfoys’!”


“We will fight! We’ll have to, to reach the snake! But let’s not lose sight now of what we’re supposed to be d-doing! We’re the only ones who can end it!”


“Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.”

“Neville, I’m really, really sorry about this.” She raised her wand. “Petrificus Totalus!” ()

“Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery.” ()

From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Arthur Weasley upon meeting the Grangers in Gringotts: “But you’re Muggles! We must have a drink! What’s that you’ve got there? Oh, you’re changing Muggle money. Molly, look!” ()

“At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent.” ()

Hagrid: “An’ they haven’t invented a spell our Hermione can’ do.” ()

“That’s what Hermione does. When in doubt, go to the library.” (CS)

“Merry Christmas to you too,” said Hermione. “I’ve been up for nearly an hour, adding more lacewings to the potion. It’s ready.” ()

“What’s that?” asked Harry, pointing to something gold sticking out from under Hermione’s pillow. “‘Just a Get Well card,” said Hermione hastily, trying to poke it out of sight, but Ron was too quick for her. He pulled it out, flicked it open and read aloud: ‘To Miss Granger, wishing you a speedy recovery, from your concerned teacher, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League and five times winner of Witch Weekly’s Most-Charming-Smile Award.’
Ron looked up at Hermione, disgusted.
“You sleep with this under your pillow?” ()

From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Ron: “You bought that monster?”
“He’s gorgeous, isn’t he?”
“Hermione, that thing nearly scalped me!”
“He didn’t mean to, did you, Crookshanks? . . . Poor Crookshanks, that witch said he’d been in there for ages; no one wanted him.”
“I wonder why.” ()

Professor Trelawney surveyed Hermione with mounting dislike.
“You’ll forgive me for saying so, my dear, but I perceive very little aura around you. Very little receptivity to the resonances of the future.” ()

“Five points from Gryffindor,” said Snape, “I told you not to help him, Miss Granger.” ()

Ron: “That was the best Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson we’ve ever had, wasn’t it?”
Hermione: “ seems like a very good teacher. But I wish I could have had a turn with the boggart –”
Ron: “What would it have been for you? A piece of homework that only got nine out of ten?” (PA)

“That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger,” said Snape coolly. “Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all.” ()

“Yeah, it will,” Ron said fiercely. “You won’t have to do all the work alone this time, Hermione. I’ll help.”
“Oh, Ron!”
Hermione flung her arms around Ron’s neck and broke down completely. Ron, looking quite terrified, patted her very awkwardly on the top of the head.” ()

“Fine!” said Hermione suddenly, getting up and cramming Unfogging the Future back into her bag. “Fine!” she repeated, swinging her bag over her shoulder and almost knocking Ron of his chair. “I give up! I’m leaving!”
And to the whole class’s amazement, Hermione strode over to the trapdoor, kicked it open, and climbed down the ladder out of sight. ()

Draco talking about Hagrid: “Look at him blubber! Have you ever seen anything quite as pathetic?” said Malfoy. “And he’s supposed to be our teacher!”
Harry and Ron both made furious moves toward Malfoy, but Hermione got there first — SMACK!
She had slapped Malfoy across the face with all the strength she could muster. Malfoy staggered. Harry, Ron, Crabbe, and Goyle stood flabbergasted as Hermione raised her hand again.
“Hermione!” said Ron weakly, and he tried to grab her hand as she swung it back.
“Get off, Ron!”
Hermione pulled out her wand. Malfoy stepped backward. Crabbe and Goyle looked at him for instructions, thoroughly bewildered.
“C’ mon,” Malfoy muttered, and in a moment, all three of them had disappeared into the passageway to the dungeons. ()

Professor Lupin: “Not at all up to your usual standard, Hermione. Only one out of three, I’m afraid. I have not been helping Sirius get into the castle and I certainly don’t want Harry dead…” An odd shiver passed over his face. “But I won’t deny that I am a werewolf.” ()

Professor Lupin: “You’re the cleverest witch of your age I’ve ever met, Hermione.” ()

From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

“Spew?” said Harry, picking up a badge and looking at it. “What’s this about?”
“Not spew,” said Hermione impatiently, “It’s S-P-E-W. Stands for the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare.” ()

“I can’t come with you,” said Hermione, now blushing, “because I’m already going with someone.”
“No you’re not!” said Ron. “You just said that to get rid of Neville!”
“Oh did I?” said Hermione, and her eyes flashed dangerously.
“Just because it’s taken you three years to notice, Ron, doesn’t mean no one else has spotted I’m a girl!” ()

“Twitchy little ferret, aren’t you Malfoy?” ()

Hermione was now teaching Krum to say her name properly; he kept calling her “Hermy-own.”
“Her-my-oh-nee,” she said slowly and clearly.
“Herm-own-ninny.” (GF)

“I told you!” Ron hissed at Hermione as she stared down the article. “I told you not to annoy Rita Skeeter! She’s made you out to be some sort of-scarlet woman!”
Hermione stopped looking astonished and snorted with laughter. “Scarlet woman?” she repeated, shaking with suppressed giggles as she looked around at Ron. (GF)

“You horrible woman,” she said, through gritted teeth, “you don’t care, do you, anything for a story, and anyone will do, won’t they? Even Ludo Bagman –”
“Sit down, you silly little girl, and don’t talk about things you don’t understand,” said Rita Skeeter coldly, her eyes hardening as they fell on Hermione. ()

“Aren’t you ever going to read Hogwarts, A History?”
“What’s the point?” said Ron. “You know it by heart, we can just ask you.” ()

From Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Harry: “Been having a nice little chat with her about whether or not I’m a lying, attention-seeking prat, have you?” Harry said loudly.
“No,” said Hermione calmly, “I told her to keep her big fat mouth shut about you, actually. And it would ge quite a nice if you stopped jumping down Ron’s and my throats, Harry, because if you haven’t noticed, we’re on your side.” ()

“Listen to me!” said Harry, almost angrily, because Ron and Hermione were both smirking now. “Just listen to me, all right? It sounds great when you say it like that, but all that stuff was luck — I didn’t know what I was doing half the time, I didn’t plan any of it, I just did whatever I could think of, and I nearly always had help –“‘
Ron and Hermione were still smirking and Harry felt his temper rise; he wasn’t even sure why he was feeling so angry.
“Don’t sit there grinning like you know better than I do, I was there, wasn’t I?” he said heatedly. “I know what went on, all right? And I didn’t get through any of that because I was brilliant at Defense Against the Dark Arts, I got through it all because — because help came at the right time, or because I guessed right — but I just blundered through it all, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing — STOP LAUGHING!”
The bowl of Murtlap essence fell to the floor and smashed. He became aware that he was on his feet, though he couldn’t remember standing up. Crookshanks streaked away under a sofa. Ron and Hermione’s smiles had vanished.
“You don’t know what it’s like! You — neither of you — you’ve never had to face him, have you? You think it’s just memorizing a bunch of spells and throwing them at him, like you’re in class or something? The whole time you’re sure you know there’s nothing between you and dying except your own — your own brain or guts or whatever — like you can think straight when you know you’re about a nanosecond from being murdered, or tortured, or watching your friends die — they’ve never taught us that in their classes, what it’s like to deal with things like that — and you two sit there acting like I’m a clever little boy to be standing here, alive, like Diggory was stupid, like he messed up — you just don’t get it, that could just as easily have been me, it would have been if Voldemort hadn’t needed me –”
“We weren’t saying anything like that, mate,” said Ron, looking aghast. “We weren’t having a go at Diggory, we didn’t — you’ve got the wrong end of the –”
He looked helplessly at Hermione, whose face was stricken.
“Harry,” she said timidly, “don’t you see? This … this is exactly why we need you…. We need to know what it’s r-really like … facing him … facing V-Voldemort.”
It was the first time she had ever said Voldemort’s name and it was this, more than anything else, that calmed Harry. ()

“I also think we should have a name,” she said brightly, her hand still in the air. “It would promote a feeling of team spirit and unity, don’t you think?
“Can we be called the Anti-Umbridge League?” said Angelina hopefully.
“Or the Ministry of Magic are Morons Group?” suggested Fred.
“I was thinking,” said Hermione, frowning at Fred, “more of a name that doesn’t tell everyone what we were up to, so we can refer to it safely outside meetings.”
“The Defense Association?” said Cho. “The D.A. for short, so nobody knows what we’re talking about?”
“Yeah, the D.A.’s good,” said Ginny. “Only let’s make it stand for Dumbledore’s Army because that’s the Ministry’s worst fear, isn’t it?” ()

“Ron,” said Hermione in a dignified voice, dipping the point of her quill into her ink pot, “you are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet.” ()

A slightly stunned silence greeted the end of this speech, then Ron said, “One person can’t feel all that at once, they’d explode.”
“Just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have,” said Hermione nastily, picking up her quill again. ()

“You should write a book,” Ron told Hermione as he cut up his potatoes, “translating mad things girls do so boys can understand them.” ()

“That’s the trouble with Quidditch,” said Hermione absentmindedly, once again bent over her Rune translation, “it creates all this bad feeling and tension between the Houses.”
She looked up to find her copy of Spellman’s Syllabary and caught Fred, George, and Harry looking at her with expressions of mingled disgust and incredulity on their faces.
“Well, it does!” she said impatiently. “It’s only a game isn’t it?”
“Hermione,” said Harry, shaking his head, “you’re good on feelings and stuff, but you just don’t understand about Quidditch.”
“Maybe not,” she said darkly, returning to her translation again, “but at least my happiness doesn’t depend of Ron’s goalkeeping ability.” ()

“This isn’t a criticism, Harry! But you do … sort of … I mean — don’t you think you’ve got a bit of a — a — saving people thing?” she said. “…I mean, that was really great of you and everything,” said Hermione quickly, looking positively petrified at the look on Harry’s face. “Everyone thought it was a wonderful thing to do –” ()

But the Death Eater Hermione had just struck dumb made a sudden slashing movement with his wand from which flew a streak of what looked like purple flame. It passed right across Hermione’s chest; she gave a tiny “oh!” as though of surprise and then crumpled onto the floor where she lay motionless. ()

Primary editor: Lisa Waite Bunker. Thanks to Julie Robertson who sent in some great quotes.
Original page date 23 January, 2005; Last page update 25 January, 2008.

Предупреждения: OOC
Размер: Драббл, 3 страницы

У всех людей есть свои маленькие тайны.

Некоторые трепещут в ожидании, опасаясь, что их раскроют и поэтому стараются напоминать о себе почаще.

Другие сладко спят под крылом своего хозяина, убаюканные словами о том, что «так будет лучше».

Третьи похожи на первых. Отличие лишь в том, что эти тайны могут без промедления убить своего носителя.

Четвертые... Впрочем, это не так уж и важно.

Тайны бывают разными. Они есть у каждого.

И Гермиона Грейнджер не была исключением.

Первой и, наверное, самой главной тайной девушки были книги. Да-да, скажете вы, какая же это тайна, если все о ней знают? В том-то и прелесть подобных тайн. Они известны всем и в тоже время никому.

Все знали о её любви к книгам, но никто никогда не видел, как она к ним относится.

В библиотеке, когда никто не видел, она с благоговением открывала очередной старинный толстый фолиант. Темные глаза искрились от жажды новых знаний. Неровное дыхание легкой волной стирало слой пыли, а тонкие пальцы осторожно скользили по ветхим страницам.

Ей казалось, что она словно прикасалась к чужим тайнам, которые были всем известны. И она видела в этом свою прелесть.

Ведь, ища ответ на возникший вопрос в её «бумажных друзьях», она могла помочь Ему...

Второй тайной девушки было подчинение правилам. Точнее, их полное неприятие. Да-да, смешно, скажете вы, девушка, следующая во всем правилам, не любила их, абсурд! Но это никогда не меняло того факта, что Грейнджер была тайной бунтаркой.

Девушка следовала указаниям, инструкциям, пока они не начинали давить стальными прутьями на грудную клетку. Пока её чувство справедливости не начинало рычать на холодные стены предписаний, требуя свободы. Тогда Гермиона начинала действовать по своим правилам, которые любили граничить одновременно и с логикой, и с безрассудностью.

Гермиона была тем человеком, которому нарушение правил давало адреналин, но не заставляло испытывать в этом потребность.

Но её бунтарская сущность обычно мирно спала, уютно чувствуя себя в комфортной большой «клетке». Пока Он не начинал её нагло будить...

Третьей тайной Грейнджер было знание о том, что мир не делится на две половины: на добро и зло, черное и белое, любовь и ненависть, разрушение и созидание, грех и святость. Да-да, скажете вы, это известно практически всем и не является сенсацией. Что поделать, если для юной гриффиндорки это было новостью.

Первым шагом к ломанию подобных стереотипов стали постоянные дискуссии её родителей. Оба в настоящем являлись стоматологами, но у каждого были свои увлечения, противоположные друг другу.

Отец интересовался физикой и математикой, находя в них решение многих проблем, а мама была композитором от бога. И, естественно, у Грейнджеров были постоянные распри по поводу, кто правит этим миром: логика или фантазия.

Сухие факты против сочных произведений искусства. Наука против творчества. Рационализм против иррациональности. Прямые правила против гибких исключений. Черные линии против ярких красок. Размышления против интуиции.

Гермиона завороженно слушала бурные споры родителей по любому поводу, произошедшему в мире, и думала о том, какую сторону выбрать. Несмотря на то, что она всегда действовала логически, мыслила-то она творчески.

Когда она спросила отца и мать о мучавшем вопросе, то, после минутного смеха, получила ответ.

«Мы — люди, а человек, по сути, — существо противоречивое. Ты же сумела собрать лучшее, что есть в нас обоих. Ум и воображение в одном флаконе».

Окончательно разрушил мировоззрение о двухполярном мире Он.

Действуя «наобум», Он умудрялся совершать взвешенные поступки, не лишенные смысла. Он также являлся живым противоречием, как и Гермиона.

Четвертой тайной Гермионы являлась её любовь к другу. Яркому, доброму, сильному, понимающему другу. Который мог в трудную минуту прийти на помощь. Который мог подбодрить её одним своим присутствием. Который появлялся всегда, когда она о нем думала.

Вот и сейчас, сидя в библиотеке и обложившись книгами, Гермиона почувствовала своего возлюбленного. Она повернулась в сторону приближающегося парня, и её карие счастливые глаза встретились с его смеющимися изумрудными...

Мадам Пинс, проходя между стеллажами, заметила свою любимую посетительницу с любимым героем настоящего. Не ускользнуло от её взгляда и то, как смотрели друг на друга Гермиона и Гарри.

Женщина улыбнулась своим мыслям и едва слышно произнесла в звенящую книжную тишину:

— У этих двоих все только начинается...