Добавить в закладки Удалить из закладок


  1. затыкать (заткнуть)
  2. подключить (включить, подключиться, вставлять)
  3. закупорить
  4. корпеть


  1. пробка (заглушка, затычка, затвор)
  2. штекер (вилка, штепсель)
  3. штепсельная вилка
  4. свеча
  5. втулка
  6. реклама

Множ. число: plugs .

Формы глагола


wooden plug
деревянная пробка

screw plug
резьбовая заглушка

ear plugs
ушные затычки

phone plug
телефонный штекер

cable plug
кабельная вилка

mains plug
сетевой штепсель

plug the hole
заткнуть дыру


Never plug your finger into the socket.
Никогда не вставляй палец в розетку.

Tom pushed the plug into the socket.
Том воткнул штепсель в розетку.

Plug this in.
Подключи это.

Tom yanked the plug from the wall.
Том выдернул вилку из розетки на стене.

Where is the plug for the razor?
Где розетка для бритвы?

If the plug gets dirty, wipe it off with a dry cloth before insertion.
Если вилка запачкается, протрите её сухой тряпкой, перед тем как втыкать в розетку.

Let"s plug up the hole.
Давайте заткнём дыру.

Do not touch the plug of the AC power cord with wet hands.
Не касайся штепсельной вилки шнура питания мокрыми руками.

The spark plugs aren"t the problem.
Проблема не в свечах зажигания.

Tom plugged his headphones into his music player.
Том воткнул наушники в свой плеер.

Tom plugged in the vacuum cleaner and started vacuuming the room.
Том включил пылесос в розетку и начал пылесосить комнату.

He plugged in the radio.
Он включил радио.

Tom plugged in his computer.
Том подключил свой компьютер.

Tom plugged in the radio and turned it on.
Том подключил радио к сети и включил его.

The TV isn"t plugged in.
Телевизор не включен в розетку.

Plug RTL Création 13 février 2004 Slogan « Plug tv...Et puis quoi encore ! » (septembre 2007) « Plug RTL, une rentrée Lifestyle » Langue Français Pays d origine … Wikipédia en Français

plug - PLUG, pluguri, s.n. 1. Unealtă agricolă cu tracţiune animală sau mecanică, folosită la arat, la dezmiriştit etc. ♢ expr. De la coarnele plugului = de la ţară. ♦ Arat, plugărit. ♦ Îndeletnicirea, ocupaţia plugarului; plugărie1. ♢ expr. Acesta (sau … Dicționar Român

Plug - may refer to: * Plug (comic) * Plug (fishing), a family of fishing lures * Plug (horticulture), a planting technique * An electrical connector ** DC plug, or DC connector ** Power plug ** Power connector ** Jack (connector) * Plug (jewellery), a… … Wikipedia

Plug - Plug, n. k, plug, Sw. plugg; cf. W. ploc.] 1. Any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole; a stopple. 2. A flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco. n. 1. an object used to stop up a hole, gap, outlet, etc. 2. a natural concretion or formation that stops up a passage, duct, etc. 3. a small wedge or segment cut from something, as… … English World dictionary

plug-in - ˈplug in noun COMPUTING a piece of software that can be used in addition to existing software in order to make particular programs work properly * * * Ⅰ. plug in UK US (also plugin) /ˈplʌgɪn/ noun [C] IT a small computer program… … Financial and business terms

plug - plug; plug·ga·ble; plug·ger; plug·ger·man; plug·ging·ly; plug·less; plug·man; un·plug; plug·ola; … English syllables

plug-in - plug ins 1) ADJ: ADJ n A plug in machine is a piece of electrical equipment that is operated by being connected to an electricity supply or to another piece of electrical equipment by means of a plug. ...a plug in radio. 2) N COUNT: oft N n A… … English dictionary

Plug TV - Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang: Kabel DVB T … Deutsch Wikipedia

plug-in - /plug in /, adj. 1. capable of or designed for being connected to an electrical power source by plugging in or inserting: a plug in hair dryer; a plug in transistor. n. 2. plug (def. 3). 3. jack1 (def. 3). 4. a plug in appliance. 1. Any piece of wood, metal, or other substance used to stop or fill a hole; a stopple. 2. A flat oblong cake of pressed tobacco. n. 1. an object used to stop up a hole, gap, outlet, etc. 2. a natural concretion or formation that stops up a passage, duct, etc. 3. a small wedge or segment cut from something, as… … English World dictionary

plug-in - ˈplug in noun COMPUTING a piece of software that can be used in addition to existing software in order to make particular programs work properly * * * Ⅰ. plug in UK US (also plugin) /ˈplʌgɪn/ noun [C] IT a small computer program… … Financial and business terms

plug - plug; plug·ga·ble; plug·ger; plug·ger·man; plug·ging·ly; plug·less; plug·man; un·plug; plug·ola; … English syllables

plug-in - plug ins 1) ADJ: ADJ n A plug in machine is a piece of electrical equipment that is operated by being connected to an electricity supply or to another piece of electrical equipment by means of a plug. ...a plug in radio. 2) N COUNT: oft N n A… … English dictionary

Plug TV - Senderlogo Allgemeine Informationen Empfang: Kabel DVB T … Deutsch Wikipedia

plug-in - /plug in /, adj. 1. capable of or designed for being connected to an electrical power source by plugging in or inserting: a plug in hair dryer; a plug in transistor. n. 2. plug (def. 3). 3. jack1 (def. 3). 4. a plug in appliance. }