My future career (Моя будущая карьера/ профессия)

I am a school-leaver and this year I am finishing school. When you leave school, you understand that the time to choose your future profession has come. It is not an easy task to choose the right job for you.
There are a lot of different professions and it is really hard to choose the one, which would be interesting for you and will help you earn your living. Generally, I think that choosing the right job is the main question not only for a school-leaver, but also for all the family. Though I understand that parents can help their children make the right choice, I guess it is much wiser to look at what interests you personally and only then try to find something that might suit your interests and your personality using your parents" advice.
As a child I liked to gather with my friends at my place and we imagined that we were at school. I was a teacher and my friends were pupils. All my mother’s recipe books were turned into school registers ; all the furniture was used as blackboards where I drew with chalk. As a result, I was punished but I still didn’t change my dream to connect my future profession with children. Now I have already decided what to do. I would like to become a teacher.
In my opinion, to be a teacher is not an easy task because you need not only to love children, but you also should have an ability to explain things clearly, know your subject profoundly and be an all around person. Though this is not the easiest task, I am sure that I have got almost all necessary qualities to become a really good teacher.
Nowadays it is very important to know a foreign language, especially English. More and more people need qualified teachers to teach them today. I understand that this profession is greatly demanded and that is why I would like to become an English teacher. This year I am going to enter the at the local University. To get an education of a teacher it is not the only thing one needs to become a real teacher. Good teachers continue learning their subject all their career to be able to answer any questions that might arise. They should be an example of competence for their pupils.
Our life is too short and that is why I cannot afford to waste my time on a job, which I am not going to enjoy. I hope that I will never regret choosing the career path of a teacher.

Список слов к топику на тему «Моя будущая профессия» (“My future career”) на английском языке:

school-leaver – выпускник
earn your living – зарабатывать на жизнь
imaginе - представлять
school register – школьный журнал
punish – наказывать
connect one’s future profession with – связать будущую профессию с
ability to explain – умение объяснять
profoundly – углубленно, основательно
be greatly demanded – быть сильно востребованным
department of foreign languages – факультет иностранных языков
an example of competence – пример компетентности
regret – жалеть

Грамматика, которая будет полезной для топика «Моя будущая профессия» (“My future career”) на английском языке: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, would like, be going to. Вы можете почитать необходимые темы по английской грамматике по этой ссылке .

Эти вопросы пригодятся Вам, если Вы захотите сами составить топик (тему) по английскому языку на тему «Моя будущая профессия» (“My future career”):

1. What do you dream to become?
2. Why have you made that choice?
3. What establishment are you going to enter to master the profession?
4. What qualities do you need to possess in order to get the profession your dream of?
5. Is the profession of your dream highly paid?

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Topic: How to choose a career

Тема: Как выбрать профессию?

The main question for a teenager, who has recently finished the school, is how to choose a proper career. , parents and teachers can not step in our shoes and give a useful advice to us. Therefore, when the time comes, we need to decide by ourselves. It is important to choose the profession, which will bring not only a big sum of money, but also a pleasure. It means that the main task is to find your calling in life. It is quite difficult, but the result will be well worth it.

Главным для подростка, который только-что закончил школу, является вопрос о том, как выбрать подходящую профессию. Как это часто бывает, родители и учителя не могут поставить себя на наше место и дать хороший совет. Поэтому, когда приходит время, нам нужно решать самостоятельно. Важно выбрать ту профессию, которая будет приносить не только большие суммы денег, но и удовольствие. Это значит, что основной задачей является найти свое призвание в жизни. Это довольно сложно, но результат стоит усилий.

First of all, make a list of your talents. It will help us to get better understanding of your possibilities. For example, if you are good at chemistry and biology, you can become a scientist or a doctor, if you love to work with children, you can work in education, if you are creative, choose the career of an artist or a designer, if you show the good results on the IT lessons, The main idea here is to do the work, which you manage to do better

Прежде всего, составь список своих талантов. Это поможет тебе лучше понять свои возможности. Например, если ты хорошо справляешься с химией и биологией, можешь стать учёным или врачом, если тебе нравится работать с детьми, можно работать в сфере образования, если ты творческий человек, выбирай профессию художника или дизайнера, если ты показываешь хорошие результаты на уроках информатики, стань успешным программистом. Основным здесь является делать ту роботу, которая лучше всего тебе удаётся.

If you think, that you are gifted at nothing, do not be sad. Maybe, you just do not manage to notice your talents. , probably, they will help you. If the situation is not improving, always there is . You can try to develop some special skills, which will help you to make the right decision when it is necessary. I reckon that different career tests can also become a hint for those who have difficulties in choosing the profession. Of course, it will not become your main guide, but it will somehow help you.

Если кажется, что ты ничем особенным не одарен, не отчаивайся. Возможно, тебе просто не удается заметить собственные таланты. В таких случаях, можно попросить совета у родителей или друзей, возможно, они тебе помогут. Если ситуация не улучшается, всегда есть другой выход. Можешь попробовать развить какие-то особые навыки, которые помогут тебе сделать выбор, когда будет нужно. Я считаю, что различные тесты на выбор профессии могут также стать подсказкой для тех, кому сложно выбрать профессию. Конечно, они не станут твоим основным ориентиром, но как-нибудь всё же помогут.

In my opinion, a good idea will be to find some special with the career you are going to choose. It will give you an opportunity to examine yourself. If everything is all right and you are delighted with your choice, there is another advantage in this training or courses – you receive the practice and develop, necessary for your future career, skills.

Я думаю, что хорошей идеей будет найти специальные курсы или тренинг, связанный с профессией, которую ты собираешься выбрать. Это даст тебе возможность проверить себя. Если всё хорошо, и ты доволен своим выбором, есть и другое преимущество в тренинге или курсах – ты получаешь практику и развиваешь, необходимые для будущей профессии навыки.

There are also cases, when some misunderstandings arise between your parents and you because they don"t accept your choice. As a result, instead of the support in such a serious moment, you receive a lot of criticism and scandals. A good solution will be to try to explain to parents your point of view, maybe even prove your words with your special achievements, connected with the career you are going to choose. Parents are not your enemies, they just care about our future, so you should be patient and try to understand them, but do not allow to break your dreams.

«What to be» is the most important question young people ask themselves. Your destiny and family relationship depend on it. Many aspects of life should be taken into consideration while answering the question «what to be». Different circumstances can influence our choice, we may follow someone’s experience or advice or be encouraged by certain people and events.

At early years of mankind development there were just a few jobs such as farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. In 17-th century I Russia it was about 200 professions. Now days exists 40000 varieties of jobs, but new kinds of work appears all the time. There is no doubt that it’s difficult to chose correct. We have so many professions to choose of. Challenging, rewarding, exciting, prestigious, professions seem to be attractive. If a job is monotonous, exhausting, messy you will say it doesn’t appeal to you. We divide jobs into caring, creative, outdoor, office professions and forces.

We refer nursing, teaching to caring professions. Creative professions include the job of a journalist, designer. To work in the office means to be a bank worker, a secretary, a recep­tionist. If you work in agriculture, horticulture, conservation you are a representative of the outdoor profession. Those who work in the police, army or navy choose forces. Besides these professions you may make a career in law, finance, international business relations, tourism business, banking and others.

Making the right choice can be rather frustrating. You should know your strengths and weaknesses. You must keep in mind what different jobs can require. Some jobs need accura­cy, good imagination, physical strength. Others will require experience, special training, travelling a lot, working long hours from home, working late or even working night shifts.

I wish we had a special subject in career teaching at school. If only there were visits to places of employment and higher education. At the lessons of career teaching we could investigate our good and bad points, our interests and aptitudes, we could relate our knowl­edge and values to our ambitions and requirements of different occupations. Such lessons would clarify relationship between education and employment.

It is important to realize that if you are practical and organized, like routine that doesn’t vary, have a tidy mind then you are suited for an office profession. Creative nature, imagi­native mind, sociability and ability to communicate will enable you to be a designer, a tourist agent, an interpreter or a market researcher. Artistic and loving nature, imagination, sensitivity make the occupation of a painter, actor, dancer, florist, architect, beautician suit­able for you. Working as a teacher Teacher’s demands love for children, perfect experience in subject, and the power of explanation. In matters of future career the priority should be given to educa­tion. If you are conscientious, efficient, capable of doing accurate work, responsible — your prospects of getting a good job increase.

Since I was a child I wished to be a programmer. I was interested in working with numbers, bites, structures and finding answers for complex problems. I love Mathematics and I am very good at it. As for my personality, I may say that I am constructive and persistent, I have strong logic, easily solve problems and I prefer teamwork rather than independence. To find a job I like I need to have excellent science knowledge’s so I could pass examinations to institute.

And there is another thing to keep in mind, it’s creation of correct impression on people, especially, when you apply for a good position. Your possible in the future employer will search for your Curriculum Vitae. It’s info about your previous experiences, education and personal qualities. Then he will decide whether to invite you or not for an interview. The way you look, your confidence, correct speech and behavior and knowledge of subject will make good impression on the interviewer.

Hi, everyone! My name is Olga, and I’m graduating from school this year. As for many teenagers, the choice of future career is a real challenge for me. There are so many jobs, so it’s rather difficult to make the right decision. Furthermore, I’m firmly convinced that the choice of future career is essential, and I don’t want to regret it for the rest of my life.
So I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have discussed it many times with my parents and closest friends, but I’m still a bit confused.
Firstly, I had a wish to do something I am keen on. I suppose turning your hobby into your future job is a great way one can become a successful specialist. I think I’m not bad at writing stories. I absolutely adore it! I can spend evenings thinking about the characters and the plot of my stories. I’m also fond of making illustrations to them. In addition, all the process of story making is very enjoyable to me. That’s why I firmly believe that working as a writer is the best variant for me.
The only problem is that my parents totally disagree with me. They say it’s not the right way to make money and it’s just my childish dream. They think I must be realistic and force me to become a programmer. I love computers and I spend quite a lot of time sitting in front of one, but programming is a completely different thing. I’m attending a programming course at the moment, so I can see it’s not something I’d really want to do.
Thus, I hope I’ll be able to make the right choice, but for now future career is still an open issue.

Сочинение на тему Моя будущая профессия

Всем привет! Меня зовут Ольга, и я заканчиваю школу в этом году. Для меня, как и для многих подростков, выбор будущей профессии является настоящим испытанием. Существует так много профессий, поэтому очень тяжело принять верное решение. К тому же, я глубоко убеждена, что выбор будущей профессии существенно важен, и мне не хочется сожалеть о нем всю мою дальнейшую жизнь.
Я размышляю об этом уже долго. Обсуждала этот вопрос с моими родителями и близкими друзьями уже много раз, но я все еще в замешательстве.
Изначально я хотела заниматься тем, что мне нравится. Я думаю, превратив свое хобби в будущую профессию, можно стать успешным профессионалом. Думаю, мне хорошо дается написание рассказов. Я просто обожаю это. Я могу проводить целые вечера, продумывая персонажей, а также сюжет моих историй. Мне также нравится делать иллюстрации к ним. Более того, весь процесс, связанный с написанием рассказов очень занимателен. Поэтому я глубоко убеждена, что профессия писателя — наиболее подходящий для меня вариант.
Но есть одна проблема. Мои родители абсолютно не согласны со мной. Они говорят, что это не приносит доход и что это всего лишь моя детская мечта. Они считают, что я должна быть реалисткой и выбрать профессию программиста. Мне нравится работать с компьютером, и я провожу много времени за ним. Но программирование — это совсем другое. Я сейчас посещаю курс программирования, и я понимаю, что это не то, чем я бы хотела заниматься.
Итак, я надеюсь, что я смогу принять правильное решение, но пока вопрос выбора будущей профессии остается для меня открытым.

Похожие сочинения

Топик Выбор профессии рассказывает о трудностях выбора именно той, единственной профессии, которая определит весь жизненный путь человека. Выбрать профессию, действительно, очень непросто. Для этого нужно хорошо знать себя: свои сильные и слабые стороны, свои способности и требования к профессии. Чтобы разобраться в этом нелегком деле, рекомендуется ответить на ряд вопросов, может быть тогда ответ станет более ясным. Есть семьи, в которых определенная профессия становится выбором для многих поколений и создаются так называемые “династии”. В таких семьях детям с раннего возраста прививается любовь и уважение к профессии родителей, и для таких детей выбор профессии не создаст в будущем никаких хлопот.

Choosing a career is like any other activity: it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their occupational aims. It is a good idea to begin by attempting to define in clear terms what your requirements are from a career. This involves taking a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. You may think for example, that you would like a job which involves organizing people, but liking such a job is not a sufficient justification if experience you already have may suggests that this is not your strong point. On the other hand, you should remember that training will equip you to do new things.

A further point to consider is how far you will be willing to do for a time things which you do not like knowing that they are necessary to achieve your longer term objectives. Having thought carefully about the sort of person you are, try to work out a realistic set of occupational requirements. In particular, you can answer to important questions. First: What sort of life do you want to lead? For example, do you want to live in the country or in the town? Is leisure time of great importance to you? Is the size of your salary important? Do you want to put down roots or travel widely? Second: What sort of work do you want to do? For example, do you like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to you? Do you want to be an organizer of other people’s activities? Do you want to develop new ideas and initiate changes?

As for me, I have made up my mind to be an engineer. As my parents are engineers, they have made a great influence on my choice and I can say that this profession runs the family. My choice of this occupation didn’t come as a sudden flash. I think that nowadays this profession is of great need and importance to our country. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve the interests of my country. To be a well prepared engineer I should have some important qualities: great capability persistence, knowledge of science and of course knowledge of foreign languages. In spite of these arguments we mustn’t forget about everybody’s vacation. I think that my facilities combined with the knowledge would be quiet enough to succeed in my work.

(Пока оценок нет)

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