В октябре 2016 года Кендалл Дженнер ошеломила поклонников.

Выяснилось, что, будучи в состоянии алкогольного опьянения, знаменитость сделала татуировку на внутренней стороне губы. Однако теперь, как пишет , представительница клана Кардашьян призналась, что жалеет о своем поступке. Поэтому манекенщица планирует удалить изображение. Стоит отметить, что будучи гостьей одного из телешоу, знаменитость продемонстрировала то, что осталось от татуировки. Первоначально надпись «Miaow» дополняла образ 22-летней Дженнер. Однако теперь на внутренней стороне губы осталась лишь черная клякса.

Кроме того, Кендалл сообщила, что не намерена следовать примеру своих сестер, среди которых в нынешнем году начался беби-бум. Манекенщица заявила, что рада приветствовать всех племянников, однако сама не планирует стать матерью в ближайшее время. Напомним, что сейчас старшая сестра Кендалл Хлои в ожидании появления на свет своего первенца. Также Ким приветствовала 3 наследника, а 20-летняя Кайли родила дочку от бойфренда-рэпера.

Также выяснилось, почему Дженнер сделала татуировку. «Я не соображала. В тот момент я была слишком пьяна, и не думала о последствиях. «Miaow» - было первым, что пришло в мою голову. Мне казалось, что это было правильным решением. Я даже думала, что тату украсит меня, и сделает более сексуальной в глазах бывшего бойфренда», - призналась модель. Кроме того, звезда сообщила, что любит племянников, и ежедневно играет с ними. Манекенщице нравится ухаживать за наследниками, однако это не пробудило материнский инстинкт самой Кендалл.

Фото: Daily Mail

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Many of the folks in the Kardashian/Jenner clan remain tattoo-free (well, okay, maybe just Kim, Kourtney and Caitlin – even Kris has a tramp stamp!), but Kendall Jenner surprised pretty much everyone when she went under the needle for the first time in June 2015. The result was a little anticlimactic – she got a tiny Phoebe Buffay-style dot inked on her finger, in white ink, no less – but at least she was being a little rebellious! Still, Kendall seemed like the type to be one and done with tattoos…until then she went back under the needle for her second tattoo just two months later. You know what they say, ink is addicting, and we have a feeling Kendall has an addictive personality, so stay tuned to Pop Star Tats to keep up-to-date on all of Kendall Jenner’s tattoos!

During an interview for Allure magazine’s October cover shoot, Kendall Jenner let it slip that she has a inked on the inside of her lower lip, which she revealed to the photographer during the photo shoot. Celebrity tattoo artist JonBoy then posted a photo of Kendall’s small black “meow” tattoo to his Instagram account on September 29, 2016.

Kendall Jenner must have felt pretty good about getting her first tattoo, because just two months after getting her tiny white dot tat, the model hit up celebrity tattooist Jon Boy again, in August 2015, for tattoo #2. Kendall’s second tattoo is inked on the inside of the middle finger on her left hand, and features a done in white ink. Similar to her first tat, Kendall’s broken heart tattoo matches the same ink BFF Hailey Baldwin had done in red during the same session.

Even though her big sister Kim Kardashian once famously compared getting a tattoo to “putting a bumper sticker on a Bentley,” Kendall Jenner went under the needle for her first-ever tattoo in June 2015, alongside model bestie Hailey Baldwin. Tattoo #1 for Kendall features a inked on the inside of her right-hand middle finger, which matches the white dot tattoo photographer/director Joe Termini got during the same late-night session at tattooist Jon Boy’s shop in New York City.

Kendal Jenner tattoo! Not a real like her since the Kardashians have a thing with having no tattoos on their bodies.

Her sister, Kim Kardashian, has kept a policy of no tattooing and her siblings have followed her into that but Kendall is finally out of the locks (but not really in a way that will make her the unruly sister).

The truth is that the family may be full of celebrities but they are not so much into tattooing as it is with other personalities in the fame league. If anyone wants to have a few tattoos here and there then borrowing a leaf from the Jenner sibling would such a recommendable thing.

What you wouldn’t question is Kendal’s beauty; she is a New York based model and now that she has tattoos on her it may be another aesthetic addition that may even raise her career to greater heights.

But she does not need that kind of hype to earn her rightful place in the modeling niche since she is at the top tier even without having her body heavily inked. All the same, this article is going to delve into her tattoos, however, few they may be.


First Tattoo for Kendal Jenner

For anyone who has never had a single mark of ink on her body, Jenner was happy about her first symbol. And you won’t believe it that she made it as minimized as it can get. A simple, small white dot is all that she could get for her first tattoo.

One would think she would get something grand and outstanding but that is not Kendall.She did it small as opposed to many people who prefer to have a big tattoo on their first time. The white dot was the first ever tattoo to be done on her.

It is just a small white spot on her middle finger that you have to strain to see it. In other words, you can say she never wanted a symbol done on her but she ended up getting it anyway probably because of her friends who wanted to see her inked.

Why the Obsession with Little Tats?

Kendall says that it is the small things that matter in her life and even a tattoo has to be small too. The white dot as minimalist as it is, she holds it dear. She did not want to show her tattoo during modeling and that is why she went for something small and in that kind of color.

Her broken heart piece is small too but it has some radiant red color still on her finger. She has a way to protect her body and that is why she does her tattoos on the fingers.

How Many Real Tattoos She Has on Her

Among a big number of celebrities who have tattoos, Kendal is among those who have the fewest number, and can you guess the reason for that?

She definitely confessed that she is afraid of the ‘forever’ thing with tattoos and that is why she only has 3 small ones that will not show if she does not want them to. The white dot, the broken heart, and the “g” letter are the only permanent symbols on her body.

The rest are the faux types among which the prominent one is the sprout wings on her back shoulder blades.

Keeping Faith with the Jenner’s Sister in Faux Tattoos

As much as Kendall went against her elder sister’s policy for no tattooing their bodies, she has not much deviated from the siblings’ norm. Her real tattoos are way too small and you will have to strain to see them clearly.

Another thing is that she favors the faux symbols so that she can have them removed when she no longer feels like wanting them on her. Her sprouted wing tattoo is a faux and she can bring it down when she wants to.

It is big and exposed and that tells you it is not for real since she doesn’t want anything on her forever.

One time during an interview she said that she is scared of a ‘forever’ tat on her simply because she feels uncomfortable and her sisters will not take it kindly (talk of family loyalty and the Jenners’ fall in that category).

Who Does Kendall Jenner Tattoos?

Those who have done tattoos before know the importance of finding someone who does them best. For Kendall, JonBoy is the artist who got her attention and both of her pieces were done by him.

He has his friend Hailey Baldwin to thank because all the celebrities he has inked have been brought to him by Hailey including Kendall. You won’t believe that JonBoy has a high-end clientele such as Justin Bieber and Carlos Leon (Madonna’s ex-boyfriend).

One thing that he (JonBoy) specializes in is the minimalist symbols. He is someone who is not bothered whether it is a celeb or anyone common walking through the door of his parlor since what he wants is to do the best for any of his customers.