На английском языке Перевод на русский язык
Mother’s Day День матери
Mother is the most important person in the life of everyone. She gave us the life, she devoted all her life and time to us, she was always near to feed us and take care of us. So for me one of the best holidays is Mother’s Day.
In Russia we usually celebrate this day on the last Sunday of November. We usually give our mothers flowers and some little presents, some people take their mothers to a restaurant for dinner, we also say very nice words to them. Of course it is not the only day when we should say our mothers about our love and gratitude for everything she has done for us.
In America Mother’s Day comes on the second Sunday in May. As well as in Russia, in America it is not a national holiday. The holiday was suggested by Anna Jarvis. In 1907, the day was celebrated in a church in Philadelphia. A member of that church had the Sunday morning service to honour her own mother. More and more churches in cities started having a special day to honour mothers. Since 1914, the whole country has celebrated Mother’s day. There is a tradition to wear a red or pink flower if one’s mother is living and a white flower if one’s mother is dead. This wonderful holiday is also celebrated in China, Japan, Canada and most of the European countries.
Мама – самый главный человек в жизни каждого. Она дала нам жизнь, посвятила нам всю свою жизнь и время, всегда была рядом, чтобы покормить нас и позаботиться. Поэтому для мен один из самых лучших праздников – День Матери.
В России этот праздник обычно отмечается в последнее воскресенье ноября. Мы дарим мамам цветы, маленькие подарки, некоторые приглашают маму в ресторан на обед, мы обычно говорим им приятные слова. Конечно, это не единственный день, когда мы должны говорить мамам о своей любви и благодарности за все, что она для нас делала.
В Америке День Матери отмечают во второе воскресенье мая. Так же как и в России, это не национальный праздник. Он был предложен Энн Джарвис. В 1907 году этот праздник отметили в церкви в Филадельфии. Член церкви провел утреннюю воскресную службу в честь своей матери. С тех пор больше и больше церквей стали выделять специальный день, чтобы почтить своих матерей. С 1914 года вся страна отмечает День Матери. Существует традиция носить красный или розовый цветок, если ваша мать жива и белый, если ее уже нет с нами. Этот замечательный праздник отмечают также в Китае, Японии, Канаде и других Европейских странах.

(Пока оценок нет)

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Mother"s Day comes on the second Sunday in May. It is a day when Americans honour their mothers. It is not a national holiday. Mother"s Day is an American national observance in honour of motherhood. The holiday, suggested by Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, was set (1914) by an act of Congress for annual celebration. It is also observed in England and Germany. In 1907, the day was celebrated in a church in Philadelphia, Pensylvania. A member of that church planned the Sunday morning service to honour her own mother. More and more churches in cities and states set aside the day to honour mothers. Since 1914, the whole country has ob-served mother"s day. Most mothers like to celebrate the day with family reunions. Many people send their mothers a card or a gift. Some people take their mothers to a restaurant for dinner. It is a custom to wear a red or pink flower if one"s mother is living. It is the custom to wear a white flower if one"s mother is dead.

День матери

День матери отмечается во второе воскресенье мая. Это день, когда американцы чтят своих матерей. Это не национальный праздник. День матери - это национальная дань американцев материнству. Праздник, предложенный Анной Джарвис из Филадельфии, в 1914 г. Актом Конгресса было установлено ежегодным. Его также придерживаются в Англии и Германии. В 1907 г. День матери отмечался в церкви Филадельфии - Пенсильвания. Настоятель этой церкви запланировал проведение службы на честь своей матери. Много церквей городов и штатов были в стороне от того, чтобы чествовать матерей. С 1914 г. вся страна отмечала День матери. Большая часть матерей любит праздновать этот день с всей семьей. Многие люди посылают своим матерям открытку или подарок. Некоторые ведут своих матерей в ресторан обедать. Существует обычай носить красные или розовые цветы, если матери живы. И обычай носить белые цветы, если мать умерла.

День матері

День матері відзначається у другу неділю травня. Це день, коли американці ушановують своїх матерів. Це не національне свято. День матері - це національна данина американців материнству. Свято, запропоноване Ганною Джарвіс з Філадельфії, у 1914 р. Актом Конгресу було установлене щорічним. Його також дотримуються в Англії і Німеччині. У 1907 р. День матері відзначався у церкві Філадельфії - Пенсільванія. Настоятель цієї церкви запланував проведення служби на честь своєї матері. Багато церков міст і штатів були осторонь від того, щоб ушановувати матерів. Із 1914 р. уся країна відзначала День матері. Велика частина матерів любить святкувати цей день із усією родиною. Багато людей посилають своїм матерям листівку чи подарунок. Деякі ведуть своїх матерів у ресторан обідати. Існує звичай носити червоні чи рожеві квіти, якщо матері живі. І звичай носити білі квіти, якщо мати померла.


1. When did mother"s Day come in America?
2. What is mother"s Day like?
3. Is it a national holiday?
4. Who suggested this holiday?
5. Was it set by an act of Congress for annual celebration?
6. Where is it also observed?
7. Where was the day celebrated in 1907?
8. What did a member of that church plan?
9. Since when has the whole country observed mother"s Day?
10. Most mothers like to celebrate the day with family reunions, don"t they?

Вы можете поздравить ваших иностранных коллег и друзей на английском языке с праздником "День матери". Международный праздник в честь матерей. Единой определенной даты праздника нет, во многих странах День матери отмечается во второе воскресенье мая, в том числе в США, Германии, Италии, Австралии, Японии. День матери в России отмечают в последнее воскресенье ноября. Берегите своих мам! Описание праздника на английском языке: An international holiday to honour mothers. There is no single set date; in many countries, including the USA, Germany, Italy, Australia and Japan, Mother’s Day is held on the second Sunday of May. In Russia, Mother’s Day is held on the last Sunday of November. Take care of your Mother!

Проект бюро переводов Flarus представляет собой универсальный список поздравлений на английском языке как с международными, так и национальными праздниками с переводом разные языки мира. Вы также можете узнать, какие основные праздники отмечаются в том или ином государстве. Для поздравления с праздником "День матери" на английском языке вы можете использовать текст, созданный профессиональным переводчиком и носителем английского языка. Перевод поздравления на другие языки можно посмотреть

Mother’s day (День Матери) — это праздник, отмечаемый в США. Подобные праздники есть и в других странах, но начало этому дню было положено именно в США. В этой статье вы можете прочитать текст об этом празднике на английском и прослушать аудио запись. Этот текст с небольшими изменениями взят с сайта: www.englishclass101.com , на котором можно найти много других полезных текстов с аудио и видео для самостоятельного изучения английского языка. О других английских праздниках читайте в рубрике .

Mother’s Day — текст на английском

Mother’s Day is held on the second Sunday in May of every year. It’s one of the most important commercial holidays in the nation. The holiday is over one hundred years old and was officially declared a federal holiday in 1914. Originally, the holiday was celebrated by hanging a flag to recognize the mothers who had a child who died in war. Today, it has no association with war whatsoever. Mother’s Day is completely apolitical.

Mother’s Day is, just as the name implies, a celebration of everything to do with mothers. It’s common for people to buy expensive gifts for their mothers or, at the very least, to send them a card showing their appreciation. Mother’s Day cards have become among the most commercially successful items associated with the holiday. It’s one of the times of year where card companies are just swamped, more so than other occasions.

In the United States, children will sometimes really go over the top for their mothers on this holiday. This is particularly true of sons. In families where there is more than one son, it’s not uncommon for all of them to compete to get the best gift for their mother. This is truly a day where motherhood is venerated in the United States.

While motherhood is the main theme behind Mother’s Day, people in the United States only celebrate this holiday for their own mothers. It’s rare for people to give Mother’s Day gifts to anybody but their own mother. Some families may include the grandmothers in the celebrations but, by and large, this is a holiday celebrated within the nuclear family. The International Mother’s Day Shrine is an historic landmark in the United States where the inaugural Mother’s Day celebration was held.

День матери — русский перевод

День матери отмечается во второе воскресенье мая каждого года. Это один из самых важных коммерческих праздников в стране. Празднику более ста лет, и он был официально объявлен федеральным праздником в 1914 году. Изначально праздник отмечался вывешиванием флагов, чтобы признать матерей, у которых дети погибли на войне. Сегодня у него нет никакой связи с войной. День Матери полностью аполитичен.

День матери, как и следует из названия, является празднованием всего, что связано с матерью. Люди обычно покупают дорогие подарки своим матерям или, по крайней мере, отправляют им открытку с благодарностью. Открытки «День матери» стали одними из самых коммерчески успешных предметов, связанных с этим праздником. Это одно из времен года, когда открыточные компании просто завалены, по сравнению с другими случаями.

В Соединенных Штатах дети иногда «идут в атаку» на своих матерей в этот праздник. Это особенно касается сыновей. В семьях, где более одного сына, не редко устраиваются соревнования, кто подарит лучший подарок своей матери. Это день, когда материнство действительно почитается в Соединенных Штатах.

Хотя материнство является главной темой Дня матери, люди в Соединенных Штатах празднуют этот праздник только со своими матерями. Люди редко дарят подарки ко Дню матери кому-то другому, кроме своей собственной матери. В некоторых семьях могут присутствовать бабушки на торжествах, но, по большому счету, это праздник, отмечаемый в близкой семье.

Храм в честь Международного дня матери является исторической вехой в Соединенных Штатах, где состоялось празднование инаугурации Матери.
И в заключение статьи, небольшое стихотворение ко Дню матери, написанное на английском языке:



Сухорукова Маргарита Анатольевна, учитель английского языка,

МКОУ Терновская СОШ №2 с.Терновка Терновского района Воронежской области

Предмет (направленность): английский язык

Возраст детей: 2, 5-10 класс

Место проведения: вне класса

Время проведения: 29.11.2014 г.


    Систематизация знаний учащихся по теме «Праздники»

    Развитие творческих способностей учащихся

    Развитие языковой культуры школьников и культуры общения

    Формирование положительной мотивации учения

Праздник проводится на английском языке.

Подготовительный этап: за 2 недели до праздника дети получают задание написать сочинение-рассказ « My dear mother ». Итоги подводятся на мероприятии. Так же заранее разучиваются стихи, песни, сценки, презентации. Ведущие мероприятия старшеклассники.

Сценарий праздника «День Матери» ( Mother " s Day )

Mother carries the child in her womb for nine months and in her heart for the rest of her life”

Песня “Mother"s Day” ( МР 4 Приложение 1)

Leader 1: Good afternoon, dear guests!

Leader 2: Good afternoon, dear mothers and grandmothers!

L.1: Hello, children!

L. 2: We are glad to see you at our party! It is devoted to Mother’s Day.

L.1: Mother’s Day in Russia is quite a new holiday.

L. 2: It has been celebrated since November 1998. People in Russia honored their moms on the last Sunday in November.

L. 1: Different countries celebrate Mother’s Day on various days of the year. Today Mother’s Day is celebrated in more than 50 countries at different times in the month of May, in some countries it is celebrated in March, August or in October.

L. 2: This holiday gives you the opportunity to tell your mother how much she means to you. Let her know how special her love for you is.

L. 1: People in the family try to make Mother’s Day a day off for mother. They help her any way they can: wash up, clean the rooms and cook different tasty things.

L. 1: The best present to your mother could be a poem. Let’s listen to some of them.


P.1: Your smile is so smart,

The kindest is your heart,

Happy Mother’s Day!”

P.2: The heart of home is a mother

Whose love is warm and true,

And home has always been “sweet home”

With a wonderful mother like you!

P.3: When mother says, “Do this,” or ‘that,’

Don’t say, ‘What for?’ and ‘Why?’

But let her hear your gentle voice

Say, ‘Mother dear, I’ll try.’

P.4: I like the way you look,

I like the way you cook.

Now what I really want to say is:

Happy Mother’s Day!”

The song “I love my mummy!”

(МР 4 Приложение 2, слова для детей - Приложение 10)

L1: Mother’s day is a wonderful holiday. There are some facts about this holiday.

L 2: The earliest history of Mother’s Day dates back to the ancient times. The Greeks to held festivities honor Rhea, wife of Cronus and the mother of many deities of Greek mythology.

L. 1: The ancient Romans, too, celebrated a spring festival, called Hilaria dedicated to Cybele, a mother goddess. The celebration lasted for three days and included parades, games and masquerades.

L. 2: The early Christians celebrated a Mother"s Day of on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. But then the custom of celebrating Mothering Sunday died out almost completely by the 19th century.

L.1: The story of Mother’s Day began in the USA with the efforts of a dynamic writer and poetess, Julia Ward Howe in 1872. She initiated a Mothers" Peace Day observance on the second Sunday in June in Boston and held the meeting for a number of years. Her idea spread but was later replaced by the Mothers" Day holiday now celebrated in May.

L. 2: Mother`s day was celebrated first in 1908 in America. Anna Jarvis is recognized as the Founder of Mother’s Day in the USA. Though Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids, she is also known as the Mother of Mother’s Day, an apt title for the lady who worked a lot to bestow honor on all mothers.

L.1: The hard work paid off. By 1911, Mother"s Day was celebrated in almost every state in the Union and on May 8, 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a Joint Resolution designating the second Sunday in May as Mother"s Day. The symbol of the holiday were Carnations Anna’s mother favorite flowers. Anna felt that they symbolized a mother’s pure love.


P.1: I love you, Mummy,

I really do!

You’re always happy

And funny too.

P.2: When it is sunny,

I think of you,

I love you, Mummy,

You love me too!

P.3: Mum, I love you

Yes, I do.

Happy Mother’s Day.

I love you.

P.4: Mommy, I love you

For all that you do.

I"ll kiss you and hug you

"Cause you love me, too.

L.1: In the UK, Mother’s Day celebrations started by the name of Mothering Sunday, several years before the tradition found its roots in the UK. Mothering Sunday came to be celebrated following the practice in the UK of 17th century wherein children of poor families were send to work as apprentice and domestic servants with the rich. These children were allowed to visit their "Mother Church" or the Cathedral of their home town annually in the middle of the fasting month of Lent. Children met their mothers after visiting the church and presented them with flowers and special "Mothering Cakes". The custom received a set back with the advent of Industrial Revolution when the lifestyles changes. American soldiers contributed in the revival of the tradition after the World War II.

L.2: The date of Mothering Sunday in the UK varies every year. It does not correspond to the Mother"s Day festival in US which falls on the second Sunday in the month of May. Mothering Sunday in England is always celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter) in honor of Mary, the mother of Christ. The more commonly prepared dish of Mothering Sunday is Simnel Cake.

L.1: Simnel Cake is a special food item associated with Mothering Sunday. A Simnel cake is a rich fruit cake with a layer of almond paste on top and also in the middle. The cake is made with 11 balls of marzipan (a confection made of ground almonds or almond paste, egg whites and sugar, often molded into decorative shapes) icing on top representing the 11 disciples (Judas is not included). The cake was boiled in water, then baked. The Lenten fast dictated that the simnel cake be keep until Easter.

L.2: The word Simnel is said to have been derived from the Latin word "simila" which means a fine wheat flour mainly used for baking a cake. There is also an interesting legend associated with the use of the word Simnel. It says that once a man called Simon and his wife Nell had an argument over whether the Mothering Sunday cake should be baked or boiled. Ultimately, they did both. So the cake came be to named after both of them and was called, "SIM-NELL".

The song “A funny song for mother” ( МР 4 Приложение 3)

L.1: There are a lot of interesting situation between parents and children

L. 2: There are some of them.


Mother: Why is your T-shirt dirty? And your hands are dirty? When did you see me in a dirty T-shirt and with dirty hands?

Child: I didn’t see you when you were a little girl.


Mother: Nelly, did you wash your hands before dinner?

Nelly: Of course. You can see it if you look at the towel.


Mother: Never put off tomorrow what you can do today.

Pete: Then, Mother, let’s eat all the sweets today.


Mother: Nick, I don’t want you to go to Pete’s house. He is a bad boy.

Nick: Well, Mum. Then I’ll tell Pete to come to my house.


Mother: Children, I’m shocked. You said you wouldn’t eat your sweets before dinner.

Willie: We didn’t eat our own sweets. Tommy ate mine and I ate his.


Mother: Phil, come and help me, please. I am very busy.

Phil: Oh, Mum, I can’t do that. I’m busy, too.

Mother: And what are you doing, I wonder?

Phil: I’m watching TV.


Son: “Mom, teacher was asking me today, if I have any brothers or sisters who will be coming to school.”

Mom: “That’s nice of her to take such an interest in you. So what did she say when you told her that you’re the only child, my dear?”

Son: “She just said…“Thank goodness!”


It"s Time to go to School

One early morning, a lady went in to wake up her son.

Mother: "Wake up, son. It"s time to go to school!"

Son: "But why Mom? I don"t want to go."

Mom: "Give me two reasons why you don"t want to go."

Son: "Well, the kids hate me for one, and the teachers hate me, too!"

Mom: "Oh, that"s no reason to not to go to school. Come on now and get ready."

Son: "Give me two reasons why I should go to school."

Mom: "Well, for one, you"re 52 years old. And for another, you"re the Principal!"


A small boy is sent to bed by his mother...

Son: "Mom..."

Mom: "What?"

Son: "I"m thirsty. Can you bring me a glass of water?"

Mom: "No. You had your chance. Lights out."

Son: "Mom..."

Mom: "WHAT?"

Son: "I"m THIRSTY...Can I have a glass of water??"

Mom: "I told you NO! If you ask again I"ll have to spank you!!"

Son: "Mommm..."

Mom: "WHAT??!!"

Son: "When you come in to spank me, can you bring me a glass of water?"

The song « I Love Her "Cause She"s My Mom» ( МР 4 Приложение 4)

L.1: There is a present for you from the 2d class.

P.1: One, one, one,

I love the sun.

P.2: Two, two, two,

I love my Mummy too.

P.3: Three, three, three,

My Mommy loves me.

P.4: Four, four, four,

I love her more and more.

P.5: I count from one,

I love the sun.

P.6: I count to four,

I love my Mummy more!

P.4: I love my dear mummy,

I love her very much.

And do you love your mummy?

Of course, and very much! (in chorus)

The song “Mommy”

(МР 4 Приложение 5, слова для детей Приложение 10)

L. 1: There are a lot of poems about mothers and for mothers. We have founded the oldest poem which was originally written by Howard Johnson an American song lyricist as a song back in 1915.

L.2: We suggest you to listen to the short part of this poem.

M - O - T - H - E - R

"M" is for the million things she gave me,

"O" means only that she"s growing old,

"T" is for the tears she shed to save me,

"H" is for her heart of purest gold;

"E" is for her eyes, with love-light shining,

"R" means right, and right she"ll always be,

Put them all together, they spell

"MOTHER," а word that means the world to me.

L.1.: End we have founded another song for Mother’s Day which is very old too. It is “You are my Sunshine”. It was created by Jimmy Davis in 1940 “.

L.2: It is the original of this song.

The song “You are my Sunshine” (MP4 Приложение 6)

L.1: Children know their mothers very well, but we don’t. They want to tell us what their mothers are in English. They also want to show the portraits of their mums they have drawn recently. Let’s listen to them!

Summaries “My Mom”

Wonderful Mother


A mother who never grows old;

He made her smile of the sunshine,

And He made her heart of pure gold;

In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,

In her cheeks fair roses you see;

God made a wonderful mother,

And He gave that dear mother to me.

And Grandma"s too...

P.2: While we honor all our mothers

with words of love and praise.

While we tell about their goodness

and their kind and loving ways.

We should also think of Grandma,

she"s a mother too, you see....

For she mothered my dear mother

as my mother mothers me.

The song: “Mommy and me”

(МР4 Приложение 7, слова для детей – приложение 10)

L. 1: Here is a flower

For a very special day

Just for you on Mother’s Day

Many hugs and kisses, too

Each one says that I love you

L.2: The symbol of the holyday is a Carnation. End we suggest you to make a bunch of flowers for yours mothers from lovely words.

P.1, 2, 3….My mommy is……

The song: “I Love You, Mom!” ( МР 4 Приложение 8)

P: 1. Mom"s smiles can brighten any moment,

Mom"s hugs put joy in all our days,

Mom"s love will stay with us forever

and touch our lives in precious ways…

The values you"ve taught,

the care you"ve given,

and the wonderful love you"ve shown,

have enriched my life

in more ways than I can count.

I Love you Mom!

L.1: Mother’s Day is meant to give due honor to the woman who gave us birth and life.

L.2: When we are a child she walks before us to set an example.

L.1: When we are a teenager she walks behind us to be there should you need her.

L.2: When we are an adult she walks beside us so that two friends can enjoy life together

L.1: In conclusion, let’s say “Happy Mother’s Day!” again. Thank you for your attention! Good bye!

The song “I Love You Mommy”

(МР4 Приложение 9, слова для детей – приложение 10)

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5. About Mother"s Day. Traditions of the Mother’s Day Celebration. -www.apples4theteacher.com, 2012.

    Children"s Mother"s Day Poems. Mother’s Day Poetry and Rhymes for Kids. -www.apples4theteacher.com, 2012.