Prison Architect (Тюремный Архитектор) – это симулятор управления тюрьмой. Ваша задача - спроектировать и построить самую безопасную тюрьму, из которой никто не сможет сбежать. Начиная от камер заключенных, заканчивая системой доставки провизии – все должно быть под вашим четким контролем. В Prison Architect есть кампания со своей сюжетной линией, где вы познакомитесь ближе с заключенными и их преступлениями. В режиме «песочница» вы сможете построить собственную тюрьму и развивать ее за деньги, которые будете получать за содержание самых опасных и хитрых преступников. Следите, чтобы в вашей тюрьме был порядок и, конечное же, не допустите побега заключенных. Следите за настроением заключенных, иначе они могут устроить бунт, подавить который будет очень сложно и затратно. Следите за самыми опасными преступниками и устанавливайте дополнительную систему безопасности. Стройте специальные здания для осуществления смертной казни и сделайте все, чтобы ваша тюрьма стала лучшей.

В игре много различный нюансов, за которыми вам нужно следить. Наймите психотерапевта и узнайте о желаниях заключенных. Распределите бюджет и, если хватит денег, наймите больше охраны. Изолируйте опасных заключенных, помещая их в карцер, но не забывайте, хорошее настроение у заключенных – залог успеха.

Специально для наших посетителей мы предлагаем скачать Prison Architect на русском языке. Игра наконец-то вышла из разработки и теперь доступна финальная версия в которой официально добавлен русский язык.

Системные требования:
Операционная система: Windows XP / Windows 7
Процессор: Intel Core2 Duo 2.4Ghz or Higher / AMD 3Ghz or Higher
Память: 4 Гб
Видеокарта: Nvidia 8600
Аудиокарта совместимая с DirectX 9.0
Свободное место на HDD: 300 Мб

Год выпуска: 2014
Жанр: симулятор тюрьмы
Разработчик: Introversion Software
Издательство: Introversion Software
Платформа: PC
Версия: Update 16 + мультиплеер v4f
Язык: английский, русский

Размер: 900 Мб

Скачать игру Prison Architect / Тюремный Архитектор на русском - торрент

SGi навигация / Navigation:

Prison Architect - симулятор тюремного магната, с полным контролем всех аспектов жизни заключенных!

Вашей задачей будет постройка и развитие самой настоящей тюрьмы.

Создатели игры вдохновлялись такими хитами прошлых лет как и .

Добавлен саундтрек игры.

GOG-версия игры обновлена до v15b.

Скачать Adguard - лучший способ избавиться от раздражающей рекламы, защититься от онлайн-слежки и мошеннических сайтов.

Причём надо будет организовывать не только камеры для заключённых, но и заниматься постройкой различных служб, обустройством помещений и многим другим.

В игре присутствует сюжетная кампания, представленная в виде кат-сцен, в которых рассказывается о жизни заключённых.

Кроме кампании есть и режим песочницы, где вы можете строить свою тюрьму с нуля.

Инфо: Русский язык включается в настройках игры.

Особенности игры:
* Спроектируйте и управляйте доходной тюрягой.
* Управляйте доходами и расходами, выбирайте лучшие варианты трат ваших ограниченных средств.
* Следите, чтобы заключенные были счастливы, иначе они могут устроить бунт.
* Улучшайте охранные системы на камерах особо опасных зеков.
* Создавайте комнаты с электрическим стульями, для исполнения смертных приговоров.

Build and manage a Maximum Security Prison. As the sun casts it’s early morning rays on a beautiful patch of countryside the clock starts ticking. You’ve got to crack on and build a holding cell to detain the job­ lot of maximum security prisoners that are trundling to your future prison on their yellow bus. As your workmen lay the last brick you don’t have a moment to let them rest as they need to get started on the first proper cell block so you can make room for the next prisoner intake. Once they’ve all got a place to lay their weary heads the fun can really start.

You’ll need a canteen, infirmary and a guard room, oh, and don’t forget to plumb in a toilet, or things will get messy, but what about a workout area? Or solitary confinement cells? Or an execution chamber?

Inspired by Dungeon Keeper, Dwarf Fortress and Theme Hospital and with over 1 million players having spent time inside, Prison Architect is the world’s best lock-­em-­up.

Story Mode
Prison Architect opens with the story of Edward, a man facing the electric chair for committing a crime of passion. This is followed by four additional chapters focusing on different characters and aspects of prison life. From Mafia Dons to power-crazed senators, Prison Architect has them all! To bring these characters to life, Introversion teamed up with award winning professional writer Chris Hastings, producing an enthralling tale of corruption and human misery set against the background of the modern prison industrial complex.

Escape Mode
Finished your supermax? Got guard dogs roving every corridor and prisoners eating out of your hand? Now you can live the horror by firing up escape mode and play as a prisoner hell-bent on getting the hell out of dodge.

Dig a tunnel, go for the armoury or start a riot and slip out in the chaos, it’s entirely up to you! Figure out how to escape from your own creation, or hit the random button and load one of the 12,000 prisons created by the steam community, whichever you choose it’s not going to be easy...

2 видео, для переключения плейлиста - используйте кнопку меню слева:

Если вы являетесь правообладателем данного материала и вы против размещения информации о данном материале, либо ссылок на него - ознакомьтесь с нашей информацией для правообладателей и присылайте нам письмо. Если Вы против размещения данного материала - администрация с радостью пойдет Вам на встречу!

SGi навигация / Navigation:

Prison Architect - симулятор тюремного магната, с полным контролем всех аспектов жизни заключенных!

Вашей задачей будет постройка и развитие самой настоящей тюрьмы.

Создатели игры вдохновлялись такими хитами прошлых лет как и .

Добавлен саундтрек игры.

GOG-версия игры обновлена до v15b.

Скачать Adguard - лучший способ избавиться от раздражающей рекламы, защититься от онлайн-слежки и мошеннических сайтов.

Причём надо будет организовывать не только камеры для заключённых, но и заниматься постройкой различных служб, обустройством помещений и многим другим.

В игре присутствует сюжетная кампания, представленная в виде кат-сцен, в которых рассказывается о жизни заключённых.

Кроме кампании есть и режим песочницы, где вы можете строить свою тюрьму с нуля.

Инфо: Русский язык включается в настройках игры.

Особенности игры:
* Спроектируйте и управляйте доходной тюрягой.
* Управляйте доходами и расходами, выбирайте лучшие варианты трат ваших ограниченных средств.
* Следите, чтобы заключенные были счастливы, иначе они могут устроить бунт.
* Улучшайте охранные системы на камерах особо опасных зеков.
* Создавайте комнаты с электрическим стульями, для исполнения смертных приговоров.

Build and manage a Maximum Security Prison. As the sun casts it’s early morning rays on a beautiful patch of countryside the clock starts ticking. You’ve got to crack on and build a holding cell to detain the job­ lot of maximum security prisoners that are trundling to your future prison on their yellow bus. As your workmen lay the last brick you don’t have a moment to let them rest as they need to get started on the first proper cell block so you can make room for the next prisoner intake. Once they’ve all got a place to lay their weary heads the fun can really start.

You’ll need a canteen, infirmary and a guard room, oh, and don’t forget to plumb in a toilet, or things will get messy, but what about a workout area? Or solitary confinement cells? Or an execution chamber?

Inspired by Dungeon Keeper, Dwarf Fortress and Theme Hospital and with over 1 million players having spent time inside, Prison Architect is the world’s best lock-­em-­up.

Story Mode
Prison Architect opens with the story of Edward, a man facing the electric chair for committing a crime of passion. This is followed by four additional chapters focusing on different characters and aspects of prison life. From Mafia Dons to power-crazed senators, Prison Architect has them all! To bring these characters to life, Introversion teamed up with award winning professional writer Chris Hastings, producing an enthralling tale of corruption and human misery set against the background of the modern prison industrial complex.

Escape Mode
Finished your supermax? Got guard dogs roving every corridor and prisoners eating out of your hand? Now you can live the horror by firing up escape mode and play as a prisoner hell-bent on getting the hell out of dodge.

Dig a tunnel, go for the armoury or start a riot and slip out in the chaos, it’s entirely up to you! Figure out how to escape from your own creation, or hit the random button and load one of the 12,000 prisons created by the steam community, whichever you choose it’s not going to be easy...

2 видео, для переключения плейлиста - используйте кнопку меню слева:

Если вы являетесь правообладателем данного материала и вы против размещения информации о данном материале, либо ссылок на него - ознакомьтесь с нашей информацией для правообладателей и присылайте нам письмо. Если Вы против размещения данного материала - администрация с радостью пойдет Вам на встречу!

    Группа: Администраторы

    Комментариев: 138 342

    Регистрация: 30.09.2009

    Certain types of prisoners are now able to hijack trucks on the road. If they are crossing the road and see a truck left idle, they will attempt to get in and drive it off (beating up the poor driver if he happens to be inside at the time). Regular old road gates won"t stop a speeding truck.
    Stolen trucks can be stopped either using the new Road Barrier object (a sturdy metal gate that only closes during Lockdown), or by having armed guards nearby to stop any stolen vehicles.
    Rope escapes (continued).
    You can now build barbed wire on the top of any external walls. Escaping prisoners will try and avoid barbed wire if they can, but will still climb over it if they really want to escape. It"s sharp and painful though, and will harm prisoners who try and climb it. Find it in the objects build list.
    Tree escapes
    Prisoners will now climb on fully grown trees to jump over an adjacent wall. They can use this to avoid barbed wire, but can be knocked down off of the tree by a nearby guard as with all other climbing.
    Bug Fixes
    0011627: Insane temperatures after fire (Icepick)
    0011586: Dog Handler does not stop employees when they carry contraband (Icepick)
    0011610: Game crashes when receiving minimum and medium security prisoners (Icepick)
    0011642: ZE ROLL CALL!!11!! and dormitories have issues (Icepick)
    0011624: Crash in DataRegistry::LuaFindDataRegistry, DataRegistry::LuaSetter (John)
    Timelapse video recording refactored, crash on shutdown fixed.
    Script Debugger crash fix.
    Objects with BuiltOnWalls property (e.g. Windows, Barbed Wire) no longer cast shadows.

    Очень приятно, Царь!

    Группа: Заглянувший

    Комментариев: 23

    Регистрация: 4.05.2014

    Группа: Администраторы

    Комментариев: 138 342

    Регистрация: 30.09.2009

    STEAM USERS: This update is on the steam branch "beta", meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
    - Click "Properties"
    - Click "Betas"

    Warden Mode
    You can now play as the warden inside the prison you are building!
    Enable this from a new option in the New Prison screen.
    Most of the user interface is the same, but you can also walk around using the WASD keys (and shift to sprint)
    You can press TAB to toggle to Action mode. From here you can control the equipment you are carrying, and recruit body guards.
    Try not to get attacked by your unruly prisoners! But if you do, you will be taken care of by your medical staff.

    Fog of war: You cannot see around corners, so be careful.
    The one exception is that you CAN see through any CCTV cameras you have installed.

    Arm yourself
    - You can pick up objects commonly found in each room to protect yourself. Think a knife from the kitchen or a taser from the armoury.
    - You can collect body armour from the armoury for some extra protection.
    - You cannot simply attack prisoners without provocation. But if you are attacked you are free to defend yourself.

    Protection Squad
    - Recruit guards to your personal protection squad by right clicking on them from the Action interface (tab)
    - These guards will follow you around and protect you from any unruly prisoners.
    - Bodyguards don"t come cheap. They will add a significant cost to your daily upkeep.

    - Play in Permadeath mode and you will have to rely on the security and medical infrastructure of your prison even more.
    - If you die in Permadeath mode that"s it, Game Over.

    Floor Signage
    - New tools are available in the Deployment menu to provide floor signage for Prisoners and everyone else
    - Floor Signage provides a way for you to give hints to people as to which way they should travel around your prison. People
    tend to follow the directions unless a much easier/shorter route is available.
    - Misbehaving prisoners, doctors on the way to heal someone, and all type of Emergency callout units ignore the floor signage.
    Everyone will also ignore the directions if there is a riot occuring.
    - To paint lines, simply select one of the new tools, and left-click and drag in the direction you want people to go. Right-click
    and drag to remove paint.

    New Attract screen
    The game now opens with a new attract screen, slowly panning around your recent saved prisons (or the bundled prisons if you have no saves).
    Press any key or click the mouse to bring up the Main Menu.
    This should be a better first screen than simply being dumped on a new empty plot of land.

    - Script Debugger Window
    - Added: When highlighting a scripted object in the script drop down menu, the camera will now move to that object to help see
    which script will be selected.
    - Fixed: Script names were hard to make sense of. Names in the drop down menu are now a lot shorter and easier to discern.
    - Fixed: The window wouldn"t correctly open to the selected scripted object, or to a scripted object that threw an error.
    - Allowed more object variables to be used by scripts.

    Balance changes
    - Removed the cap of 20 prisoners working in a single large room at a time. The new cap is 100.
    - Prisoners have received a boost to their academic skill rating based on their security category.
    This means it is slightly easier to have prisoners pass the education programs.
    - The Foundation Education and General Education reform programs have had the number of sessions halved from 10 and 20 to 5 and 10 respectively.
    - The Library now requires a certain academic skill rating rather than specifically requiring the Foundation Education program.
    This makes the Library usable sooner.
    - Added a new need, Luxuries, which is satisfied by goods sold in the shop. Prisoners who have satisfied this need are less likely to cause trouble.
    - You now gain a commision from goods sold in your shop. At the end of each day, you"ll receive a bonus payment based on how many goods were sold in your shop.
    - Prisoners who go too long without being assigned to a cell will now have a marker pointing to them for easy identification.
    - You can now end all punishments on a prisoner from their rapsheet, not just permanent ones.

    Bug Fixes
    - Fixed an issue causing Workmen to regularly move shop goods back and forth between the Shop and Storage.
    - Fixed: Dogs of fired handlers would occassionally maul some unsuspecting prisoner to death for no reason. Bad dog!
    - Fixed: Number of staff resting with staff needs enabled is now updated correctly
    - Fixed: Some objective markers for non-English languages appearing in English, they will now be translated correctly
    - Fixed: Sectorisation of mixed regular and family cell blocks will no longer split the regular cells into separate sectors.

    0011500: No French label for "missing access to canteen" (John)
    0011498: French translation error in the first campaign (John)
    0007501: Addictions cannot be removed. (PROVED) (Icepick)
    0011494: Work/Lockdup and Work/Free time FREEDOM problem (Icepick)
    0011486: Staff Not Addressing "Rest" Need on Breaks (Icepick)
    0011482: Staff Need Bug (Icepick)
    0011324: Staff Canteen Does Not Have Trays and Staff Cannot Eat (Icepick)
    0011151: The new script debugger is not quite useful (elDiablo)
    0010989: Guard Dogs Kill When Fired (Icepick)
    0010469: Command Bar only allows one command before breaking. (elDiablo)
    0011480: entity.DeathType, .MurderWeapon and .MurdererType not accessible (elDiablo)
    0008737: Unable to end temporary punishments (Icepick)
    0011509: Mothers tunneling out of their prison (Icepick)
    0011508: Prisoners sometimes route outside without misbehaving the prison letting them escape (Icepick)
    0011505: Number of resting staff members is not adequatly updated (lim_ak)
    0011499: No French label for "Capacitor" (lim_ak)
    0011474: Sprite misalignment in 64 bit version (lim_ak)

    Очень приятно, Царь!

    Группа: Администраторы

    Комментариев: 138 342

    Регистрация: 30.09.2009

    Staff Needs (continued)

    New staff break behaviour
    - Staff will now take a break when they feel they need to, providing there are enough guards idling
    - No more than 10% of your staff will take a break at any time
    - Staff will stay on their break until their needs are taken care of, but will give up eventually if nothing is available

    Fixes to staff needs provisions:
    - Staff Rooms and Staff Canteens are now assigned a nearby kitchen in the Food Logistics view, just like any normal Canteen.
    - Chefs from that chosen kitchen will handle stacking and cleaning food trays.
    - The assigned kitchen can be overridden manually as normal.
    - More food trays and staff meals will be ordered automatically when you have staff needs enabled
    - Stopped chefs from stacking dirty food trays with stacks that were miles away in a different canteen
    - Fixed tons of issues with staff not using providers when on their breaks
    - Fixed serious issues with food trays not been cleaned and replaced when in staff canteens

    The staff tooltip widget in the top bar now shows ALL guard types, including dog handlers, snipers and armed guards

    Staff Morale
    - Affected by happy staff versus unhappy staff,
    - Affected by long term staff deaths
    - Affected by currently injured
    - Affected by salary

    Staff wages
    - Upkeep now specified in materials.txt
    - Pay rises possible from Policy screen

    Staff will go on strike if morale falls to 0%, and demand a large pay rise to return to work

    Chefs/Gardeners/Janitors now have needs

    Tunnel searching
    You can now issue the command "search for tunnels" from any cell toilet.
    This will search all toilets in the block for escape tunnels.

    Steam Cloud saves
    - You can now use the cross-platform Steam Cloud to store your prison and campaign save games.
    - Simply toggle the checkbox on the save screen in order to enable/disable this feature.
    - The save window will show which save games are on the cloud with a handy icon.
    - Save games made when Steam Cloud is disabled will be saved on your local machine only.

    3d mode improved

    The following will be suspended during riots, or during staff strikes:
    - Delivery of daily supplies
    - Garbage collection
    - Exports collection
    - Prisoner intake
    - Collection of dead bodies

    Weather (continued)
    - New weather icon in top toolbar

    - "Overcast" visual effect now only applies to outdoors (which will look greyed out)
    - "Heatwave" visual effect only applies to outdoors (which will look very bright)
    - Rebalanced all weather probabilities, making "clear skies" more common, rain/overcast/snow less common
    - Weather now has a chance to change every 12 hours (previously 24 hours)

    - Fixed: Riot Guards refused to fight when in prisoner controlled sectors
    - Fixed: Emergency staff sometimes "fell" out of their vehicle long before it arrived at the Deliveries zone
    - Fixed: All new prisoners are not assigned parole times properly. This remains the case until save/reload.
    - Fixed: Added pages to CI menu to prevent it running off the screen

    0011379: Prisoner Needs Table in savegame are stored twice (lim_ak)
    0011173: Japanese Text not wrapping (lim_ak)
    0011346: Staff Canteen starved of trays (Chris)
    0011393: Riot police got stuck in riot zone (Chris)
    0011402: Staff not eating meals, staff canteens not used (Chris)
    0011369: Security won"t eat (Chris)
    0010925: Riot guards refuse to move (Chris)
    0011371: Armed Guards don"t move (Chris)
    0011394: Staff Meals improperly distributed (Chris)
    0011364: Riot guards instantly leave Riot van when they arrive (Chris)

    Очень приятно, Царь!

    Группа: Администраторы

    Комментариев: 138 342

    Регистрация: 30.09.2009 GOG

    Guards whose needs are not being met were beating up the prisoners. This can still happen, but it should happen much more rarely now.
    - Extras | Map Settings dialog will now allow Staff Needs to be enabled if you already have enabled everything else.

    Очень приятно, Царь!

    Группа: Администраторы

    Комментариев: 138 342

    Регистрация: 30.09.2009

    This update is on a steam branch, meaning it will not automatically download. You must manually switch to that branch to see this new version.
    - Right click on Prison Architect in your games list
    - Click "Properties"
    - Click "Betas"
    - Select "beta" from the list. (Restart steam if it doesn"t show up)
    - The update will then download.

    Staff Needs
    Your security staff now have needs, in much the same way as prisoners. This is optional, and can be enabled when creating a new prison, or enabled from Extras -> Map Settings.

    You must take care of your staff needs, or else your staff will begin to perform their duties badly.

    The staff members affected in this update are:

    Armed Guards
    Dog Handlers








    Staff break times
    You can now specify how much break time to grant your staff. Go to Reports -> Policy.

    Other changes

    BUG Fixes

    Очень приятно, Царь!

    Группа: Администраторы

    Комментариев: 138 342

    Регистрация: 30.09.2009

    Armed Guards
    Dog Handlers
    These staff will have a semi random mixture of the following needs. Each need is similar to its prisoner counterpart, but also slightly different:

    Staff will only make use of toilets in staff designated zones or staff rooms
    Staff will eat in the Staff Room if you add a Serving Table. Or you can designate a canteen as "Staff Only" and they will eat there instead. Staff meals are more expensive than prisoner meals and are automatically delivered.
    Staff hate to feel they are in danger. You can help with this need by equipping your staff with Tazers, body armour etc, as well as ensuring strength in numbers.
    Staff get bored too. They can now make use of any entertainment so long as it exists within a staff room. Eg Pool tables, radios, TVs, etc.
    Put some sofas in the staff room for this.
    Same as prisoners, this is entirely based on the cleanliness of the surroundings.
    This replaces the "tiredness" mechanic. Be sure to give your staff enough down time.
    If staff are happy, this contributes in a positive way towards the temperature of your prison. Likewise if they are unhappy, this will make the prison "hotter" and lead to more trouble later.

    If you do not take care of your staff they will become "pissed off", and begin to perform their jobs badly:

    Sauntering around slowly when doing jobs
    Less effective at searching for contraband
    Less likely to actively look for trouble, more likely to turn a blind eye
    Unwilling to put themselves in danger eg confronting gang members
    In extreme cases, staff will take bribes in order to look the other way when searching for contraband

    Staff break times
    You can now specify how much break time to grant your staff. Go to Reports -> Policy.
    You can choose how long each break is, and how many breaks per day are taken.
    Staff on break will immediately begin attending to their needs. Nb. Staff will always finish their current job before starting their break.

    Other changes
    Arcade Cabinets have had their sound turned down
    Larger clone size with Tools and Cheats enabled.
    Main menu: "Terms and Conditions" moved to Options menu.
    Main menu: Added "Other Introversion Games" link.
    Tooltip added to Analytics in Options menu.

    BUG Fixes
    Fixed: Dog Handlers would be completely paralised if injured, and there was no Medical Ward
    Crash when loading with mods which define a custom room.
    Family Rooms no longer erroneously display the cell quality too high warning.

    Очень приятно, Царь!

    Группа: Администраторы

    Комментариев: 138 342

    Регистрация: 30.09.2009

    Developer Tools and Cheats
    Developer tools and cheats, seen in some of the alpha videos, are now available to everyone.
    A new option is shown when creating a new map, "Enable Cheats". This is prison specific and cannot be disabled later.

    When enabled:
    - All construction occurs immediately
    - A new "Spawn" toolbar button permits instant creation of any game object for zero cost
    - Water can be placed like any other material
    - Research in the bureaucracy screen can be sped up by holding down the right mouse button on the item

    The Function keys now perform debug services:
    F1 Edit world properties (Very easy to crash/ruin the game)
    F2 Profiler
    F3 Script Debugger
    F4 Dialog Editor
    F5 Sound Editor
    F6 Sprite Bank Editor for Needs icons
    F7 Sprite Bank Editor for User Interface icons
    F8 Sprite Bank Editor for Game Sprites
    F9 Debug rendering options
    F11 Enlarge Map in All Directions

    - Cheat prisons do not allow achievement unlocks
    - Cheat prisons cannot be sold for profit.

    Policy Window (continued)
    You can now set which misbehaviours warrant an increase or decrease in prisoner security.
    For example, murder can be set to immediately make a prisoner Max-Sec.

    You can now disable the cell quality checks that determine which cells a prisoner can be assigned to.
    When enabled, prisoners who misbehave will not be assigned to a nice cell, even if that nice cell is the only one available.
    When disabled, prisoners will always be assigned to free cells if that is all that is available.

    Modding System (continued)
    - Added World.NumPrisoners and World.Capacity. These return tables containing the current number of prisoners
    and the total number of cells in each security rating respectively.
    - Added ability to use markers in object tooltip strings (via objectTable.Tooltip). See lua_function_list.txt

    Localisations: All languages updated.

    - Jobs to construct walls are now visible while designating rooms.
    - Fix for reliability of + button in Build Toolbar
    - Delivery Truck drivers no longer counted in Staff Reports
    - Utilities Room in Quick Build no longer uses the default sprite
    - Objects that can"t be rotated are no longer rotated if part of a Quick Build
    - Staff inside gang controlled areas can now be sacked
    - 0010930: Death row prisoners show up as max security (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011077: Name in Game Tier issue (John) - resolved.
    - 0011091: Clicking where the taskbar is located shows the taskbar in windows 10 anniversary update (lim_ak) - resolved.
    - 0011119: The issue with taking Death row prisoners. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0010968: Random crash.Especially during the riot or taser fighting (John) - resolved.
    - 0011017: crash when viewing "stolen from" (John) - resolved.
    - 0010921: Freetime broken (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011032: wrong Japanese translation (John) - resolved.
    - 0011052: Quickbuild "luxury cell" and common room not updated for v2.0 tv behavior. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0010191: Dead armed guards will not stop moving when put in Hearse. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011060: Ability to disable the automatic prisoner security change. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0007196: Inmate Nutrition Research Grammar (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011170: Several security-restricted reception rooms do not work (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011168: Visitation does not satisfy family need. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0010829: Extension to automatic Security Risk re-assignment (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0003491: I need more intake in order to keep the Prison profitable (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011129: Windows 10 Taskbar vs PA Toolbar (lim_ak) - resolved.
    - 0009331: Execution Lockdown fails to complete (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011135: Freedom need not satisfied by yard (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011150: Confidential Informants Get Stuck In Security Room (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011106: Micromanagement bug - no teacher exists while he does. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011145: Screen focus shifts while in Informants view mode (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011158: Cannot switch from Dump to Dismantle in Context Menu (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011160: National guard should cancel lockdown before entering the prison (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011105: Cell doors are open during Work/Lockup regime (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011120: Using "Interface.RemoveComponent()" extends the menu window height instead of shortening (elDiablo) - resolved.
    - 0011068: Nasty new problems with Interface Buttons on objects (elDiablo) - resolved.
    - 0011097: Make the amount of prisoners per Security Level and the amount available/total cells per Security level accessible for mods (elDiablo) - resolved.
    - 0010996: (Version 2 preview) Prisoners in solitary aren"t using toilets/showers even though their needs are high (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011104: Prisoners sniffed by dog and searched once deposited in solitary never start serving their punishment (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011136: Food tray redistribution (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011124: The new suprise minsec legendary gangleader event didn"t actually make the prisoner a gang leader (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011133: Prisoners get stuck when sent to solitary (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011132: Object duplication with high-priority jobs (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011014: SectorSystem check keeps reverting changes (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011131: Snipers bug. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011046: Confidential informants screen misplaced (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0010521: Families wont visit causing lots of fights (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011126: Prisoners fail to satisfy "Literacy" need despite having library books (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011087: Prisoners taken to medical beds are not healed or returned to cells (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0010998: "Total Prisoners" intake always selects maximum number of inmates regardless of number set (lim_ak) - resolved.
    - 0011071: Stacking babies in a single stack (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011075: Mother visited by her 0yr. old child (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011092: Certain events should not occour before the player has unlocked what (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011030: v2 Reg Doors cannot be locked open (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011081: Snipers target same prisoner (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011058: Mayor does not require large TV removal (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011079: Cell Grading for Dormitories bugged with more than 1 Occupants. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011067: Random items appearing on todo list. (Icepick) - resolved.
    - 0011003: Agitating radio broadcasts wont stop (Icepick) - resolved.

    Allows for quick context sensitive actions
    Prisoner Rap sheet now auto-follows prisoners
    All construction work is now covered by a global UNDO button at the bottom right of the screen
    Nb. UNDO button is only shown when using the toolbar for foundations, materials, objects, utilities etc
    Click UNDO to gradually reverse any decisions you have made, and receive a full refund
    Research/bureaucracy screen improved to look better
    Patrols interface improved for clarity
    Pipe and water rendering improved for clarity
    Informants window improved by moving the list to the right of the screen and making it smaller
    Logistics views now more consistent, showing only objects and entities relevant to each view.
    Eg Food logistics now shows everything relevent to food: Ingredients, meals, chefs, prisoners working in the kitchen
    Nb. All of the new GUI features can be disabled through Main Menu -> Options -> Game -> Version 2.0 GUI tickbox
    Zoom to mouse.
    Nb. Can be disabled through Main Menu -> Options -> Game -> Zoom to mouse.
    = Modding System (continued)
    "Infinite" mod loading The game now supports many more simultanious graphical mods than before It achieves this by gradually increasing the size of the graphics tileset, until your graphics card itself hits its limit In general users should find they can now activate a great deal more mods before any problems occur In addition, when the limit is reached you will now receive a warning/error message. (Previously it just started misbehaving)
    Mods with spritesheets larger than 1024x1024 are now supported
    Lua World Scripts:
    Each mod can now have a data/world.lua script file, which should contain both Init() and Update(timePassed) functions.
    This script is initialised on World initialisation (for both new maps and loaded save games) and Updated on each World update.
    Variables set in the "this" or "World" tables will be cast to strings and persist in the save game.
    Variables are loaded after Init and before the first call to Update.
    Mods can now have their own sounds.txt file, containing only new/modified sounds.
    These will override base data in the same way as other mod files.
    Added Update button to Prison Sharing menu.
    Allows any published prison to be updated with the prison that you are currently playing.
    Fixed a bug in the lua scripting system that would try to cast boolean strings (in lua) to a bool (in c++).
    = New game content
    New events
    Contraband surge
    Tree fire
    Food poisoning
    Agitating radio
    CI list leak
    Mass tunnelling
    TVs now broadcast over an area (3x3, shown as a green box).
    Prisoners sitting within the viewing area can watch TV and thereby have their recreation needs taken care of.
    Nb. Prisoners can be doing other things at the same time, eg eating in the canteen.
    New item: Large TV.
    Has a larger viewing area and can easily provide Recreation to an entire room.
    Be sure to provide lots of seating spaces.
    Radios now passively broadcast to the entire room.
    Any prisoners in a room with a radio are slightly less bored, so get a small reduction to their Recreation needs.
    New item: Arcade Cabinet
    Two inmates can play games on an arcade cabinet at the same time
    New Contraband menu option: "Stolen From" Shows the location each item of contraband was stolen from, rather than where it was ultimately recovered Shows 7 days of contraband history. This is very handy for finding which of your rooms is lacking security Also easily reveals where contraband is being thrown into your prison.
    New Regime options Added a "Work/Lockup" regime type. Treats prisoners who aren"t working as being on a Lockup regime instead of free time. The standard Work regime has been renamed to "Work/Freetime"
    Dead entities now have their cause of death displayed in their tooltip
    Prisoners without jail cells now show the reason why in their tooltip
    Family cells that are in their own block, separate from other prisoner housing, will form a single sector
    The "Names in the Game" database can now be manually updated from the Extras | Name in Game menu.
    Updates to all translations to bring all languages up to v2.0.
    Fixed: A gang would never receive a new leader, if its previous leader was killed and left the map.
    0010443: Family cells do not form a continuous cell block
    0010559: Changing WorldCell "Ind" property always sets to false
    0009556: Lua: Triggered property sometimes a string, sometimes a number, sometimes boolean
    0003033: Steam Workshop Update not possible
    0009729: Sprites.png: 1024x1024 size not working
    0010882: Sprite.png size limitations cause compatibility issues with mods
    0010290: Sprite Limits
    0009618: sprites.png: current approach necessary but not sufficient

    Очень приятно, Царь!

    Группа: Администраторы

Каждый из нас в детстве думал о том, кем он хочет стать. Кто-то хотел быть пожарником, кто-то космонавтом или врачом, ну а были и тех, кто хотели стать архитектором. Сегодня у вас есть такая возможность. Предлагаю вам в этих целях скачать . Вы сможете на себе испытать всю рутину жизни в тюрьме. Посмотрите чем занимается охрана и как себя ведут заключенные. На ваши плечи ложится нелегкая задача - все полностью обеспечение тюремного функционирования - это ваша ответственность. Стройте камеры для заключенных, оборудуйте столовые и спортивный зал, двор для прогулок и многое другое. В игре Prison Architect предусмотрен сюжет, который вы можете начать проходить как только вам вздумается. Но все же большую популярность игра приобрела именно благодаря режиму песочницы, играя в котором вы сможете все обустроить так, как вам нравится.

На ваши плечи ложится нелегкая задача - все полностью обеспечение тюремного функционирования - это ваша ответственность. Стройте камеры для заключенных, оборудуйте столовые и спортивный зал, двор для прогулок и многое другое. В игре Prison Architect предусмотрен сюжет, который вы можете начать проходить как только вам вздумается. Но все же большую популярность игра приобрела именно благодаря режиму песочницы, играя в котором вы сможете все обустроить так, как вам нравится.

Сейчас перед вами самая свежая последняя версия игры. По мере того, как будут появляться обновления вы все их сможете скачать именно в этой новости. Удобно? Ну а то.

Системные Требования:

Операционная система: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
Процессор: 2.4 Ггц
Оперативная память: 4 Гб
Видеокарта: 512 Мб
Место на жестком диске: 300 Мб

Дата выхода 6 окт. 2015
Жанр: ,
Версия: Update 12b