uə ] — имя прилагательное
  1. чистый; беспримесный

    Примеры использования

      You drowned in music and pure cacophony.

      Вы захлебывались от музыки, от какофонии звуков.

      451 градус по Фаренгейту. Рэй Брэдбери, стр. 34
    1. "Gentlemen, this is pure gold.

    2. чистокровный
    3. непорочный, целомудренный
    4. безупречный;
      pure taste безупречный вкус

      Примеры использования

        “ ‘The propriety of my leaving it. You may set your mind at rest about that. I should not dream of doing so were it not absolutely certain that I should be able in four days to reclaim it. It is a pure matter of form. Is the security sufficient?’

        --…удобно ли мне оставить эту диадему вам? Можете не беспокоиться. Мне эта мысль и в голову не пришла, не будь я абсолютно убежден, что через четыре дня получу диадему обратно. Пустая формальность! Ну, а само обеспечение вы считаете удовлетворительным?

        Приключения Шерлока Холмса. Берилловая диадема. Артур Конан-Дойл, стр. 5
      1. Father Theodore spent a whole evening writing out an advertisement in indelible pencil on neatly cut sheets of graph paper, announcing the sale of tasty home-cooked meals prepared in pure butter.

        Отец Федор весь вечер при лампе писал химическим карандашом на аккуратно нарезанных листках арифметической бумаги объявления о даче вкусных домашних обедов, приготовляемых исключительно на свежем коровьем масле.

        Двенадцать стульев. Илья Ильф и Евгений Петров, стр. 18
      2. "You can tell this one is from the mine at Kimberley because it"s an octahedron. Their diamonds range from smoky-glassy to pure white."

        – Про такой камень сразу можно сказать, что он из Кимберли – там встречаются октаэдры, причем разных цветов, от дымчатого до прозрачного.

        Интриганка. Сидни Шелдон, стр. 167
    5. простой (о стиле); отчётливый; ясный (о звуке)

      Примеры использования

      1. Pure and simple.

      2. чистейший, полнейший;
        pure imagination чистейшая выдумка;
        pure accident чистая случайность

W3S3 adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not mixed)¦ 2¦(complete)¦ 3¦(clean)¦ 4 pure and simple 5¦(morally good)¦ 6¦(colour or sound)¦ 7¦(typical)¦ 8¦(breed/race)¦ 9¦(art or study)¦ 10 pure science/maths etc … Dictionary of contemporary English

Pure - may refer to: * A pure function * Pure Software, a company founded in 1991 by Reed Hastings to support the Purify tool * Pure FTPd, FTP server software * Pure Digital, a UK consumer electronics company specialising in DAB radios. * Pure… … Wikipedia

pure - [ pjur ] adjective *** 1.) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Pure - Pure, a. 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

pure - 1 Pure, absolute, simple, sheer denote free from everything that is foreign to the true nature or the essential character of the thing specified. Pure distinctively suggests freedom from intermixture. When applied to concrete things, it usually… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

Puré - Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La tapenade es un puré de aceitunas. El puré (del francés purée (pronunciación … Wikipedia Español

pure - adj. purer, purest 1. a) free from any adulterant; unmixed b) … English World dictionary

Pure - bezeichnet: Pure (Album), drittes Album der No Angels Pure (Ardennes), französische Gemeinde Pure (Computerspiel), Computerspiel von Disney PURE Digital, britisches Unternehmen der Unterhaltungselektronik Branche Pure (Film), britischer Film aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia

pure - adj 1 a: unmixed with any other matter b: free from dirt or taint 2: being thus and nothing other a pure no fault compensation system pure·ly adv pure·ness n … Law dictionary

pure - unmixed, genuine authentic, bright, classic, clear, complete, fair, flawless, kosher*, limpid, lucid, natural, neat, out and out*, pellucid, perfect, plain, plenary, pure and simple, real, simple, straight, total, transparent, true, twenty … New thesaurus


  • Pure Objects of Desire , Julien Martinez Calmettes. Pure design or something more? On the one hand we have clean, sensible designs that focus on form, materials, and color. On the other hand we have pure originality, blurring the line between…

W3S3 adj ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(not mixed)¦ 2¦(complete)¦ 3¦(clean)¦ 4 pure and simple 5¦(morally good)¦ 6¦(colour or sound)¦ 7¦(typical)¦ 8¦(breed/race)¦ 9¦(art or study)¦ 10 pure science/maths etc … Dictionary of contemporary English

Pure - may refer to: * A pure function * Pure Software, a company founded in 1991 by Reed Hastings to support the Purify tool * Pure FTPd, FTP server software * Pure Digital, a UK consumer electronics company specialising in DAB radios. * Pure… … Wikipedia

pure - [ pjur ] adjective *** 1.) usually before noun a pure substance or material has nothing mixed with it that might spoil its quality or effect: pure gold/alcohol ─ opposite IMPURE a) a pure sound, color, light, etc. is very clear and beautiful:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

Pure - Pure, a. 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

pure - 1 Pure, absolute, simple, sheer denote free from everything that is foreign to the true nature or the essential character of the thing specified. Pure distinctively suggests freedom from intermixture. When applied to concrete things, it usually… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

Puré - Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La tapenade es un puré de aceitunas. El puré (del francés purée (pronunciación … Wikipedia Español

pure - adj. purer, purest 1. a) free from any adulterant; unmixed b) … English World dictionary

Pure - bezeichnet: Pure (Album), drittes Album der No Angels Pure (Ardennes), französische Gemeinde Pure (Computerspiel), Computerspiel von Disney PURE Digital, britisches Unternehmen der Unterhaltungselektronik Branche Pure (Film), britischer Film aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia

pure - adj 1 a: unmixed with any other matter b: free from dirt or taint 2: being thus and nothing other a pure no fault compensation system pure·ly adv pure·ness n … Law dictionary

pure - unmixed, genuine authentic, bright, classic, clear, complete, fair, flawless, kosher*, limpid, lucid, natural, neat, out and out*, pellucid, perfect, plain, plenary, pure and simple, real, simple, straight, total, transparent, true, twenty … New thesaurus


  • Pure Objects of Desire , Julien Martinez Calmettes. Pure design or something more? On the one hand we have clean, sensible designs that focus on form, materials, and color. On the other hand we have pure originality, blurring the line between…