Пособие содержит тексты для чтения на английском языке, охватывающие изучаемые в 5 классе темы. К каждому тексту дается минимальный глоссарий с переводом и транскрипцией ключевых (важных для понимания) слов. Адресовано учащимся, учителям английского языке для использования вне образовательного процесса.

Hello, Pete! I got your letter yesterday and I’m going to tell you about my last weekend. The weather was sunny and warm on Saturday. So my parents and I went to our new country house. It is far from the city, and we went there in the morning. Our country house is near the forest. It is not very big, but comfortable and nice. There is a small hall, a nice kitchen and a cosy sitting room on the first floor. There is a sofa, two armchairs and a fireplace in the sitting room. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. So, we eat downstairs and sleep upstairs. The day in the country began with a walk in the forest. We saw a fox there and I fed an elk! We came back at 3 o’clock and had a tasty dinner. In the afternoon I had a short rest and then helped my mother in the garden. There isn’t a TV-set or a computer in our new country house, but it’s OK. I read a good book in the afternoon. In the evening my father told us funny stories. It was great! We had tea at 9 o’clock and I went to bed at 10. I liked our weekend very much. What are you going to do this evening? Come to see me. I"ve got many good photos. Nikita.

cosy - уютный, fireplace - камин, tasty - вкусный, elk - лось, comfortable - удобный, уютный

Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Text 4
Text 5
Text 6
Text 7
Text 8
Text 9
Text 10
Text 11
Text 12
Text 13
Text 14
Text 15
Text 16
IV.Здоровый образ жизни
Text 17
Text 18
Text 19
Text 20
V.Город и деревня
Text 21
Text 22
Text 23
Text 24
Text 25
Text 26
VI.Страны и континенты
Text 27
Text 20
Text 29
Text 30
Text 31
Text 32
Text 33
Text 34
VIII.Итоговое занятие
Text 35

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Скачать книгу Практикум по чтению, Английский язык, 5 класс, 2015 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.

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  • 55 устных тем по английскому языку для школьников, 5-11 класс, Журина Т.Ю., 2014 - Автор книги Т. Ю. Журина зав. лабораторией Научно-методического центра Юго-Восточного учебного округа г. Москвы, преподаватель английского языка высшей категории. Материалы … Книги по английскому языку
  • Учим английский язык, 5-6 класс, Благовещенская Т.А., 2003 - Перед вами обучающая книга для занятий с детьми 5-6 лет, которая включает в себя разнообразные задания, сказки, загадки, подвижные игры … Книги по английскому языку
  • Правила и упражнения по английскому языку, 4-6 класс, Гиндлина И.М., 2011 - Пособие представляет сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка, предназначенных для учащихся 4-6 годов обучения. Материал дан в строгом соответствии с … Книги по английскому языку

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Министерство образования и науки РФ

Бийский технологический институт (филиал)

государственного образовательного учреждения

высшего профессионального образования

«Алтайский государственный технический университет

им. И.И. Ползунова»

Е.С. Грянкина, Н.Г. Жданова, А.Е. Мальцева

Практикум по чтению на английском языке

для студентов ПЕРВОГО курса всех форм обучения

Издательство Алтайского государственного технического университета им. И.И. Ползунова

ББК 81.2 Англ.

Рецензент: Замашанская Е.С., кандидат филологических наук,

доцент каф. иностранных языков БТИ АлтГТУ

Работа подготовлена на кафедре иностранных языков

Грянкина, Е.С.

Практикум по чтению на английском языке для студентов первого курса всех форм обучения / Е.С. Грянкина, Н.Г. Жданова, А.Е. Мальцева; Алт. гос. техн. ун-т, БТИ. – Бийск: Изд-во Алт. гос. техн. ун-та, 2010. – 64 с.

В практикуме по чтению представлены тексты с упражнениями для развития навыков разных видов чтения для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей технического вуза. Тексты подобраны из оригиналь-ной литературы с учетом общетехнической и публицистической лекси-ки. Все тексты содержат целенаправленные подготовительные упраж-нения в зависимости от вида чтения.

Рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании

кафедры иностранных языков.

Протокол № 4 от 14.05.2010 г.

 Грянкина Е.С., Жданова Н.Г., Мальцева А.Е., 2010

 БТИ АлтГТУ, 2010

Christmas is coming  all the way from China 6

Koreans succeed in cloning human embryos 9

Battle of Colas 12

NASA gladly loses a spacecraft 15

Health crisis looms as life expectancy soars 18

Women MPs bullied and abused in Commons 22

Firms tag workers to improve efficiency 25

Drowning in money 29

Savouring the whale 33

Tigers and gorillas for sale online 36

Binge drinking "increases riskЭ" of dementia 43

Population of older people set to surpass number of children, report finds 47

Life through a lens: How Britain"s children eat, sleep and breathe TV 51

The End of Intelligence? 54

Global warnings 56

The Great Moon Hoax 59

литературa 64


Слова к тексту

1. Ключевые слова

1. A _____ is a decorated paper tube that makes a noise when you pull it apart. It contains a small toy, a paper hat and a joke inside. It"s used traditionally at Christmas in the UK.

2. In countries which celebrate Christmas, people often put up _____ in their house.

3. A _____ is something you use for keeping or storing things, for example a box.

4. A _____ is an area of water on the coast where ships stop.

5. _____ are objects produced for sale.

6. _____ is the useless material you have after you"ve used something.

7. If you _____ something, you send it to another country to sell it.

8. If you _____ something, you buy a product from another country and bring it to your country.

9. A _____ is something you give to someone as a present.

10. _____ are things that are sent by ship, airplane or truck.

2. Просмотрите текст и найдите в нем ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. What is the Emma Maersk 3?

2. Where is it from?

3. Where is it going?

4. What is on the Emma Maersk 3?

5. Are people happy about this?

Christmas is coming  all the way from China

Christmas is coming this year on the biggest ship in the world, on its first voyage from China. Mountains of crackers, toys and games as well as decorations, wrapping paper, food and every imaginable gift are on the way to Felixstowe, Suffolk, on the Emma Maersk 3.

If anything happens to this 400m-long, 61 meter-high boat then Christmas might have to be cancelled.

It is delivering 3,000 giant containers for Britain. These containers have the largest amount of Christmas goods ever delivered. Crackers, poker tables, bingo sets, electronic toys and pre-school building blocks will be delivered in amazing quantities: 1,886,000 Christmas decorations are loaded in one container, 40,000 rechargeable batteries and 22,280 kg of Vietnam tea in another. In another are 12,800 MP3 players.

There are things to cook with, leather sofas to sit on, and pyjamas to go to bed in. Pets will be very happy; 138,000 tins of catfood and mountains of dogfood are on their way. But the ship and its cargo was the subject of an intense argument over the increasing number of imports from China. Caroline Lucas, Green Member of European Parliament (MEP) for southeast England, said it was a "microcosm of globalisation gone mad". "All these goods could have been made in Europe", said Ms Lucas "China now dominates many sectors of global trade. The real cost of the goods that the Emma Maersk is bringing in should include the environment, the markets destroyed in developing countries and the millions of jobs lost". Britain exported more than GBP 2.8 bn of goods to China last year but imported nearly GBP 16 bn – 30 times more than in 1980. The UK is Europe′s third-biggest trading partner with China but represents less than
2 % of China"s trade with the world.

The Emma Maersk is carrying about 11,000 containers and is the largest container ship in history. The ship left from Yentian port, which now exports around 30,000 containers every day.

Last year Ms Lucas led an EU study into trade with China and was terrified by its implications. "Europe made these goods in the past. China is a country that now has a big advantage in more and more sectors.

This is a triumph for multinational capital. It"s not a triumph for Chinese workers, who suffer from some of the worst labour exploitation in the world and are also losing many jobs", she said.

The Emma Maersk will soon return to China. It will take back the waste of Christmas. One of Britain"s biggest exports to China is now waste plastic  which is made into soft toys and decorations.

GBP: Great Britain Pounds

3. Составьте предложения, используя таблицу:

1. The Emma Maersk 3 is ...

a) trade sectors.

2. The ship contains …

b) 30,000 containers every day.

3. There are large quantities of goods …

c) a Chinese ship.

4. The real cost of the ship should include …

d) on the Emma Maersk 3.

5. Yentian port exports around ...

e) waste plastic from Britain.

6. China has an advantage in more and more ...

f) the environment, destroyed markets and lost jobs.

7. When the Emma Maersk 3 returns to China, it will contain ...

g) 3,000 containers for Britain.

4. Составьте словосочетания, используя слова из правой и левой колонок:

poker decorations

5. Дополните предложения, используя приведенные ниже фра-зы:

in history as well as on the way more and more in the past

1. The ship is _____ to Felixstowe, Suffolk, on the Emma Maersk 3.

2. It"s the largest container ship _____.

3. Mountains of crackers, toys and games __________ decorations, wrapping paper are on the ship.

4. China is a country that now has a big advantage in _____ sectors.

5. Europe made these goods _____.

6. Переставьте буквы таким образом, чтобы получились сло-ва, связанные с темой "Глобализация":


Слова к тексту

blastocyst зародышевый пузырек, "бластоциста"

egg зд . "яйцеклетка"

embryo эмбрион

stem cell стволовая клетка

Alzheimer’s disease болезнь Альцгеймера

liver печень

kidney почка

1. Ключевые слова

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из текста:

1. Copying an animal or a human to make another animal or human is called _____.

2. The small egg that eventually becomes a baby is called an _____.

3. _____ change a fertilised egg into 10 trillion cells during pregnancy.

4. Diabetes is a long-term _____.

5. A _____ is a tiny ball of cells that together become an embryo.

6. The heart, brain, liver and kidneys are all human _____.

2. Исправьте предложения согласно содержанию текста:

1. The first cloned animal was a horse.

2. President Bush is in favour of stem cell research.

3. Scientists have now cloned a human baby.

4. They used 252 eggs from 16 women to clone 30 blastocysts.

5. The scientists were from the US and Japan.

6. The research could lead to treatment for short-term diseases.

7. The first stages for cloning for use in medical treatment and for clo-ning babies are different.

8. Humans have 10 billion cells.

Koreans succeed in cloning human embryos

Cloning is copying an animal or a human to make another animal or human which is exactly the same. Scientists take DNA from one egg and put it into another egg. This then makes a copy which is exactly the same as the first egg. The first cloned animal was a sheep but scientists have also cloned mice, rats, rabbits, horses and even a mule. Now, for the first time, they say they have also cloned a human embryo, the small egg that eventually becomes a baby.

South Korean and American scientists say they have cloned human embryos and taken cells called stem cells from one of them. Stem cells are very important in the development of an unborn baby. They change a single fertilised human egg into about 10 trillion cells during a nine month pregnancy.

The Korean and US scientists used 242 eggs from 16 women to clone 30 blastocysts. A blastocyst is the tiny ball of cells that together become an embryo. Then the scientists took the original DNA out of the egg, and replaced it with chromosomes from an adult cell. "This is not a human clone", said Donald Kennedy, a leading biologist. This research could lead to treatments for long-term diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson"s and Alzheimer"s.

American politicians do not allow US government money to be used for stem cell research. Dr Kennedy said he hoped that now they would change their decision. But the White House said that President George Bush is against stem cell research. Leon Kass, chairman of the president"s council on bioethics said "The age of human cloning has arrived. Today we have cloned blastocysts for medical research; tomorrow we will have cloned blastocysts for baby-making".

Scientists have been working on cloning research for many years and hope that their research will help to treat many different diseases. Now that they have cloned stem cells, they will have to find out how to change these cells into human tissue. They will then be able to use this tissue to treat diseases. In the long term, some scientists believe it could be possible to grow complete human organs, such as livers or kidneys.

Many people are against stem cell research and cloning. They say that it will lead to human cloning and cloned babies. The first stages of cloning for use in medical treatment and cloning to produce a cloned baby are exactly the same.

3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа :

1. Why are some people against stem cell research?

a. Because it is very expensive.

b. Because it uses human DNA.

c. Because it might lead to cloning babies.

2. What are the possible benefits of stem cell research?

a. It could lead to cloning babies.

b. People could use it to treat serious diseases.

c. They could clone rats, rabbits and horses.

3. What is President Bush"s opinion?

a. He is in favour of stem cell research.

b. He is against stem cell research.

c. He doesn"t care.

4. What is the next task for scientists?

a. They have to find out how to change stem cells into human tissue.

b. They have to grow complete human organs.

c. They have to get money from the US government.

4. Заполните пропуски , используя предлоги :

1. Scientists take DNA _____ one egg and put it _____ another egg.

2. _____ the first time, they have cloned a human embryo.

3. They replaced the DNA _____ chromosomes from an adult egg.

4. This research could lead _____ treatment for serious diseases.

5. Scientists have been working ______ cloning research for many years.

6. _____ the long term, it may be possible to grow human organs. Now check your answers in the text.

5. Образуйте существительные от глаголов, используя суф-фиксы:

глагол существительное

1. develop ____________

3. research ____________

4. treat ____________

5. replace ____________

6. govern ____________

6. Обсуждение

Do you think it is morally acceptable to create a human clone?


Слова к тексту

stock market фондовая биржа

market value рыночная стоимость

rival конкурент, соперник

fizzy drink газированный напиток

snack food закуска

carbonated газированный

1. Ключевые слова

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из текста:

1. A _____ drink has gas bubbles in it. Another word for this is "carbonated" drink.

2. The _____ is the place where you can buy and sell shares in companies.

3. A _____ is 3 months of the year. January to March is the first _____.

4. A _____ is a small amount of food you eat between meals.

5. If you say how much something is _____, you state its value in money.

6. A _____ in business is another company selling the same products.

7. A _____ is someone who buys and uses goods or services.

8. _____ is money that you make by selling something.

9. If you _____ on something, you give all your attention to that thing.

10. A _____ is a product that has its own name. Coca-Cola is an example of a _____.

1. Which company is now worth more – Coca-Cola or PepsiCo?

2. How much was PepsiCo worth on December 12 2005?

3. What was the market value of Coca-Cola in 2000?

4. When did PepsiCo buy the fruit juice business Tropicana?

5. What percentage of its profits does Coca-Cola get from fizzy drinks?

6. How much were Coca-Cola"s profits in the third quarter of last year?

Battle of Colas

Pepsi and Coca Cola are probably the most famous soft drinks in the world.

For years Coca-Cola has been number one. Its sales have always been much higher than sales of Pepsi Cola. However, on December 12 2005 something changed. For the first time ever the Pepsi Cola company was worth more on the stock market than Coca-Cola. Pepsi Cola’s market value was $98.4 bn on December 12 while Coca-Cola was worth $97.9 bn. The "real thing" was suddenly number two not number one.

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have been great business rivals for many years. Marketing students always study these two companies because they are examples of how to create a powerful brand from something very simple  both drinks are made of brown carbonated water mixed with caffeine and vegetable extracts. Now marketing students study them for another reason: PepsiCo because it can change its business when people"s tastes change; Coca-Cola because it often cannot do this.

At the beginning of 2000 Coca-Cola"s market value was about
$128 bn, almost three times more than PepsiCo, whose market value was $44 bn. In developed markets like the US and Europe sales of fizzy drinks are not increasing. The main difference between the two companies now is that PepsiCo is moving away from sugary carbonated drinks because it realises that consumers are worrying more and more about their health.

In 1998 PepsiCo bought the fruit juice business Tropicana. Three years later it bought the energy drink Gatorade. Coca-Cola had the opportunity to buy Gatorade but its directors said the price was too high. That was a bad decision. Today PepsiCo has about 81 % of the fast-growing sports drink market in the US. It has the number one fruit juice brand in Tropicana and the number one bottled water brand in the US, Aquafina. In last quarter of last year, sales of PepsiCo"s non-carbonated drinks increased by 24 %.

PepsiCo gets about 23 % of its worldwide profits from the fizzy drinks sector while Coca-Cola gets 85 % of its profits from fizzy drinks. PepsiCo also owns snack foods including Walkers Crisps and Doritos, and these different products help it to sell to supermarket chains.

Now Coca-Cola is trying to do the same. In June it started to sell Minute Maid fruit juice in Britain. It has also introduced the Dasani bottled water brand and the Powerade energy drink. Powerade is about one-fifth as big as Gatorade in the US. Dasani was not a success in Britain because it was made of ordinary tap water and consumers did not buy it.

Coca-Cola"s problems probably started when its chief executive Roberto Goizueta died in 1997. Many people then lost their jobs and there were a lot of changes in the management of the company. In May 2004 the Irishman Neville Isdell became chief executive.

Mr. Isdell was open about Coca-Cola"s mistakes. He said there were no easy answers. He said that Coca-Cola had missed consumer trends and that its advertising was not effective. He promised an extra $400 m for marketing and promised to sell more in growing markets such as China and India. The company is now spending more money on developing new products.

Now it seems that Mr. Isdell is making some progress. Coca-Cola’s profits have increased over the past year. In the third quarter of last year profits increased by 37 % to $1.28 bn, with very good sales in developing markets such as China, Russia and Latin America.

In the meantime PepsiCo is continuing to do well. It is concentrating on healthier products including Tropicana fruit bars and a carbonated version of Tropicana fruit juices.

3. Определите, о какой из компаний идет речь Coca - Cola или Pepsi :

1. Which company has 81 % of the sports drinks market in the US?

2. Which company gets 85 % of its profits from fizzy drinks?

3. Which company sells the sports drink Powerade?

4. Which company sells Aquafina bottled water?

5. Which company owns Walkers crisps and Doritos?

6. Which company made a profit of $1.28 bn in the third quarter of last year?

4. Подберите к слову соответствующий символ или аббревиа-туру:

1. $ a. pound(s)

3. £ c. billion

4. bn d. euro(s)

5. € e. per cent

6. m f. dollar(s)

5. Составьте новые слова, используя слово "market ":

6. Образуйте существительные от глаголов, используя суф-фиксы:

глагол существительное

1. manage ___________

2. develop ___________

4. sell ___________

5. increase ___________

6. produce ___________

7. introduce ___________

8. promise ___________


Слова к тексту

to crash сталкиваться

impact столкновение

spacecraft космический корабль

explosion взрыв

mothership космический корабль-носитель

interior внутренняя часть

jet реактивная струя

1. Ключевые слова

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами из текста:

1. _____ is a reddish-brown metal. Its chemical symbol is Cu.

2. The path which a planet or comet follows around the sun is called its _____.

3. In space travel a _____ is a rocket that carries smaller rockets.

4. A _____ is a vehicle that travels through space.

5. A _____ is a ball of ice and dust that travels through space.

6. Volcanoes and explosions often leave a large round hole in the earth. This is called a _____.

7. _____ means "very, very big".

8. The _____ consists of the sun and nine planets, including Earth.

2. Просмотрите текст и найдите ответы на вопросы:

1. How far is Tempel 1 from Earth?

2. How much did the space mission to Tempel 1 cost?

3. How fast was the spacecraft travelling when it hit Tempel 1?

4. What was the name of the space mission?

5. How far was the mothership from the explosion?

6. What are the four organic elements mentioned in the text?

NASA gladly loses a spacecraft

For thousands of years comets have been a mystery to man. They travel across the sky very fast and have a bright "tail" of burning gas. The comet Tempel 1 has an orbit far outside the orbit of the furthest planet in our solar system, Pluto. It has been there for 4.6 billion years, 133 million kilometres from Earth. Last week a little American spacecraft crashed into Tempel 1. The spacecraft had a camera and it took a photograph of the comet every minute before it finally crashed into its surface.

The space mission to Tempel 1 cost $335 million and was called Deep Impact. The spacecraft was travelling at 37,000 kilometres per hour when it hit the comet and the crash completely destroyed the spacecraft. But before it hit the comet, the spacecraft took some amazing photographs. The last one was a close-up picture which the spacecraft took just 3 seconds before it crashed into the comet.

"Right now we have lost one spacecraft", said a delighted NASA engineer. Deep Impact was like an American Independence Day fireworks display. It took many years to plan and ended in an enormous explosion.

The spacecraft which crashed into the comet was made of copper and was the size of a washing machine. It was dropped from a mothership into the path of the comet and the mothership then photographed the cloud of ice, dust and organic chemicals that rose from the surface of the comet after the crash.

The crash completely destroyed the spacecraft but nothing really happened to the comet: experts believe that the crash slowed the comet down by no more than 1/10,000 th of a millimetre a second. The aim of the mission was to study for the first time the interior of a comet.

The mothership was 480 km from the explosion and observed the crash and the explosion with instruments for 800 seconds. Seven satellites, including the Hubble space telescope, watched the moment of drama, and over the next day and night about 50 telescopes on Earth were watching the distant comet.

The first people to produce pictures in Britain were pupils from King"s school, Canterbury. They used information from the 2 m Faulkes telescope in Hawaii, a telescope used by schools. Scientists from the US and around the world were delighted. For the first time, they had clear and close-up pictures of a comet.

Comets like Halley"s Comet which visit the Earth frequently are not so interesting for scientists. But comets like Tempel 1 are so distant that they could hold the secrets of the planets, the Earth"s oceans and even of the original organic chemistry from which life developed. "If you are thinking of comets as possible sources of organic material, then you are looking for the organic elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen", said John Zarnecki of the Open University.

For Andrew Coates of the Mullard space science laboratory of University College London, Deep Impact was a fantastic success. "You have the comet getting bigger and bigger in the field of view, the level of detail on the comet getting better and better", he said. "We know that comets produce jets. What we have now is the first artificial jet from a comet", he added. "The fact that there are craters tells us the surface must be solid in some way. This is going to be really exciting".

3. Подберите для начала предложений (1 6) окончания (a f ) в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. Scientists are very happy because …

2. Tempel 1 is interesting for scientists because …

3. The aim of the mission was …

4. Instruments on the mothership …

5. The last picture was taken …

6. Scientists know the surface of Tempel 1 must be solid because …

a. … its orbit is outside the solar system.

b. … studied the clouds of dust, ice and organic chemicals that rose from the surface.

c. … 3 second before the spacecraft hit the comet.

d. … they have close-up pictures of a comet for the first time.

e. … they can see craters.

f. … to study the interior of a comet for the first time.

4. Найдите в тексте слова, противоположные по смыслу при-веденным ниже:

1. nearest ____________

2. tiny ____________

3. nearby ____________

4. unhappy ____________

5. unclear ____________

6. rarely ____________

7. boring ____________

8. liquid ____________

5. Переставьте буквы таким образом, чтобы получились сло-ва, используемые в тексте:

6. Подберите к глаголам соответствующую форму в

Пособие содержит тексты для чтения на английском языке, охватывающие изучаемые в 5 классе темы. К каждому тексту дается минимальный глоссарий с переводом и транскрипцией ключевых (важных для понимания) слов. Адресовано учащимся, учителям английского языке для использования вне образовательного процесса.

Hello, Pete! I got your letter yesterday and I’m going to tell you about my last weekend. The weather was sunny and warm on Saturday. So my parents and I went to our new country house. It is far from the city, and we went there in the morning. Our country house is near the forest. It is not very big, but comfortable and nice. There is a small hall, a nice kitchen and a cosy sitting room on the first floor. There is a sofa, two armchairs and a fireplace in the sitting room. There are two bedrooms and a bathroom on the second floor. So, we eat downstairs and sleep upstairs. The day in the country began with a walk in the forest. We saw a fox there and I fed an elk! We came back at 3 o’clock and had a tasty dinner. In the afternoon I had a short rest and then helped my mother in the garden. There isn’t a TV-set or a computer in our new country house, but it’s OK. I read a good book in the afternoon. In the evening my father told us funny stories. It was great! We had tea at 9 o’clock and I went to bed at 10. I liked our weekend very much. What are you going to do this evening? Come to see me. I"ve got many good photos. Nikita.

cosy - уютный, fireplace - камин, tasty - вкусный, elk - лось, comfortable - удобный, уютный

Text 1
Text 2
Text 3
Text 4
Text 5
Text 6
Text 7
Text 8
Text 9
Text 10
Text 11
Text 12
Text 13
Text 14
Text 15
Text 16
IV.Здоровый образ жизни
Text 17
Text 18
Text 19
Text 20
V.Город и деревня
Text 21
Text 22
Text 23
Text 24
Text 25
Text 26
VI.Страны и континенты
Text 27
Text 20
Text 29
Text 30
Text 31
Text 32
Text 33
Text 34
VIII.Итоговое занятие
Text 35

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