Тема: Выбор профессии

In my childhood I wanted to become a very important person such as a famous musician or a president. But now I understand that it"s impossible for me because these profes­sions require certain qualities and abilities that I don"t possess. But I also understand that there are a lot of other prestigious jobs. And among them are the jobs in economic, tourist or computer fields.

A lot of people work in these areas and get a lot of money. Take the profession of a manager, for example. In my opinion, it"s a very interesting job because it involves working with people. But to work as a manager you need to be creative, flexible and possess initiative. If you cope with all the challenges of this job, you can be promoted to the position of a director. This job is very responsible. You must be a leader and have administrative skills.

Of course, you can become something like a computer programmer or a web designer because computers are an essential part of our everyday life today. They are in any company, bank or school. So we can say that our society needs people who can work with computers and write computer programmes. That"s why this profession is so popular today.

On the other hand, it"s a very challenging job, because a good programmer or a web designer must be hard-working, have sharp mind and good logical reasoning and also the ability to work to tight deadlines. Besides, working on computer for a long time can cause health problems.

As for me, I would like to become a tourist agent or a holiday representative, because a lot of people travel nowadays. Today tourism is one of the world"s largest industries. You will have to deal with the problems and needs of holidaymakers, but you"ll also have to know the area you are working in and plan trips and tours that will please everyone.

I think it"s a very interesting job. Besides, this profession is highlypaid and I want to be able to buy everything I want with my salary. What"s more, the perks of this job include free travel and living abroad. But this job requires you to be tactful and to stay calm under pressure.

I can say that I"m very communicative and I like working with people. Besides, I"m very organized and hard-working. What"s more, I like travelling and I"m ready to go where the company will send me. So I think I can become a good tourist agent or a tourist manager.

I understand that to make a good specialist in this field, I should have good education, extensive knowledge of the world and experience of travel. And, of course, I must know several foreign languages. So after finishing school I will try to enter a university or a college and to continue my education.

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When a young man starts to think about a future career, he imagines a very glorious picture. But a person gets older he faces real life with its problems. After graduation from the Institute young specialists don’t have many variants. The most common one is to get work as a manager.

As for me, I don’t want to spend all the time in a stuffy office full of computers and printers. I believe that I will never impose unnecessary goods, compose boring reports, and be on phone all day. I understand that modern life could be more difficult without managers, but this kind of work not for me. We have one life and we ought to spend it wisely. I’m sure that in the future I’ll ask myself what I’ve achieved. I believe that any person is born to fulfil some goals, which nobody else, but himself, could define. So as sooner I define my goals as happier I will be.

I’m leaving school at the end of the spring and I always think about an educational institution which I need to choose. I think the ideal option for me will be any Choreographic Academy. I have been dancing all since I was five and I can’t imagine my future life without choreography. Dancing is the best way to express myself, to capture my emotions and thoughts to people. I adore dancing. When I’m engrossed in creation, I don’t think about my school problems and everyone around. I call it “inspiration”. I feel that a real connection between me and the Universe. So I just pick up some ideas and express them through dance using my body and emotions.

If I tell my friends or parents about this plan, perhaps they will say that I am aspiring to be famous. By no means, fame is a heavy burden. There is an important difference between the desire to be a famous artist and the desire not to be forgotten dancer. I don"t think the people of art are exceptional. If an architect creates buildings that will stand for many years, people will be thankful for his great work. If the writer’s novels are read in three hundred years, it will be wonderful. If a dancer’s creation will be remembered next generations, he will live in human hearts.

Any career should make the human who has chosen it satisfied. Otherwise, working routine will be an excruciation and nothing else. I really don’t want to write reports and answer the phone sitting in the office all day. I want my profession to make me happy, and I want to see happy people around me.

Now I have to think about my entrance exams. They are not so easy. I believe that my dream to become a great dancer will come true and I will be able to share the pleasure of dancing with other people.

Когда молодой человек думают о будущей карьере, он представляет очень славную картину. Но как только человек становится старше, он сталкивается с реальной жизнью и её проблемами. После выпуска из Института молодой специалист не имеет много вариантов. Чаще всего он получает работу менеджера.

Что касается меня, я не хочу проводить всё время в душном офисе с большим количеством компьютеров и принтеров. Я верю, что я никогда не буду навязывать ненужные товары, составлять скучные отчёты и говорить по телефону вес день. Я понимаю, что современная жизнь была бы трудной без менеджеров, но этот вид работы не для меня. У нас только одна жизнь и нам стоит тратить её мудро. Я уверен, что в будущем я буду задавать себе вопрос, чего я достиг. Я думаю, что любой человек рождён для выполнения определённых целей, которые никто кроме него не сможет определить. Поэтому чем быстрее я определюсь с целью, тем счастливее я буду.

Я оканчиваю школу в конце весны, и я всё время размышляю об учебном заведении, который мне нужно выбрать. Я думаю, идеальным вариантом для меня будет какая-нибудь Хореографическая Академия. Я танцую с пяти лет, и не могу представить свою жизнь без хореографии. Танец - лучший способ выразить себя, передать мои эмоции и мысли людям. Я обожаю танцы. Когда я погружён в творчество, я не думаю о своих школьных проблемах и людях вокруг. Я называю это «вдохновением». Я чувствую настоящую связь между мной и Вселенной. Я просто подбираю подходящие идеи и выражаю их через танец, используя своё тело и эмоции.

Если я расскажу своим друзьям и родителям о своём плане, возможно, они скажут, что я стремлюсь стать знаменитым. Без сомнения, известность тяжёлое бремя. Существует важное различие между желанием стать знаменитым художником и желанием не стать забытым танцором. Я не думаю, что люди искусства необыкновенные. Если архитектор создаёт здания, которые простоят многие годы, люди будут благодарны ему за работу. Если романы писателя будут читать через три сотни лет, это будет замечательно. Если творчество танцора будут помнить следующими поколениями, он продолжит жизнь в сердцах людей.

Любая карьера должна сделать человека, который её выбрал, удовлетворенным. С другой стороны, работа может стать пыткой и больше ни чем другим. Я действительно не хочу писать отчёты и отвечать на телефонные звонки, просиживая в офисе весь день. Я хочу, чтобы моя профессия сделала меня счастливым, и я хочу видеть счастливых людей вокруг себя.

На этой странице находится топик по английскому по теме PROFESSIONS AND CAREERS

I am leaving school this year and I realize that the time to choose my future profession has come. It’s probably one of the most important decisions I have to make, since leaving school is a far more serious examination of my abilities and character than I have ever had.

It’s quite natural that before you take the final decision on what you want to do in future, you must consider the possibilities you have and your fitness for this or that job. Some pupils choose their future professions under the influence of their parents or friends, whose advice they find helpful and valuable. In my opinion the final choice should depend on what you are interested in. For me an interesting and creative job is the most important thing. I want to enjoy my work and get satisfaction from it. And if it is well-paid at the same time, it looks most desirable and attractive.

Once you have finally made your choice, you should think of what you must do to achieve your goal. Of course, school tries to provide pupils with this or that practical skill. Some schools give a vocational training in certain practical jobs, like computer operating, sewing, typing, etc. But I’m sure that college or university education is most essential for making a good career in future.

I made my choice many years ago when I was still at primary school. Since then I’ve been dreaming of becoming an English language teacher. For many years at school English has been my favourite subject. My strong liking for foreign languages has not been free from the influence of my English teacher, whose lessons are always a joy and a pleasure to attend. She is not only a wonderful teacher but has a charming personality in many other ways. I hope that one day I may become a good teacher as well.

I have always realized the importance of foreign languages in modem world. Firstly, it is essential for the development of international contacts in the sphere of political, social, business and cultural relations. Secondly, it offers good job opportunities and it enables you to find work almost anywhere in the world. It’s natural that so much attention is paid to teaching foreign languages at school and at present foreign language teachers are in great demand today. Now my greatest desire is to enter the linguistic university, learn several languages and make a practical use of them in my future job.

At the moment teaching English to children has the greatest appeal to me as no society can do without the common but no less necessary job than that of a teacher.

Choosing a career is not a simple thing and it demands careful consideration because of the great importance of your choice. For that reason you should realistically consider your abilities and how you can make use of them. You should also ask yourself a question if you are suitable for it and how much you know about the reality of your future job. You should also find out if you are expected to possess certain qualities needed for the job or whether you will be able to reveal and develop these qualities in the process of training and education. As a matter of fact many of us are still on the fantasy level about the future jobs, for there is a great difference between the career aspirations and the real world of work. We neglect the fact that every job has a share of drudgery and boredom about it. That’s why you’d better think about all pros and cons so as not to regret your decision to follow this or that career afterwards. Actually it’s not a pleasant thing to stay all your life in the job which you don’t like. And certainly it’s always nice being well paid for what you enjoy doing. Anyway, choosing a profession is a crucial point in a school-leaver’s life.

Like most of my classmates I made my final choice when I was in my last year at school. Before that I had asked myself a lot of times what I wanted to do when I left school. A few years ago it was difficult to give a definite answer as I changed my mind too often. One day I wanted to be a film director, the next day I thought there was no better job than that of a journalist. My father suggested that I should study humanities at a more profound level than I was expected to do them at school. His arguments were convincing. So for two years, when I was in the 10th and 11lh forms, I put a lot of effort into a more systematic and consistent learning of English and Russian.

There is no doubt that learning even one foreign language is a hard job. That’s why quite a number of people lose heart and give up even though they understand the importance of foreign languages in the modem fast moving world. It’s evident that those who speak foreign languages have many more job opportunities as all sorts of diplomatic, business and cultural contacts involve the use of foreign languages. English is the major language of communication in such areas as science, computer technology, mass entertainment and international tourism. I find any of these jobs interesting and attractive.

I understand that once you have chosen this profession you must be prepared to work really hard and systematically. I also realise that it is difficult to learn to communicate in a foreign language if you are not a sociable and easy-going person.

I think I possess these qualities and I hope I’ll pass the entrance examinations successfully. I don’t know exactly what practical use I’ll make of foreign languages in future, it may be either teaching or interpreting or journalism, but I am definitely sure that after graduating from the university I will become an educated person, useful for the progress of the society I live in.